
Marijuana Medicinal

Marijuana Medicinal Production

Legitimate medical marijuana production is normally done in organic soil. Fertilizers are kept at a minimum and pesticide use is almost nil. Some producers of the only use natural sunlight. Other producers use hot lamps or artificial lighting.

In a modern marijuana producing facility up to 134 varieties of cannabis are grown. The belief is that one particular type of plant may be more beneficial to an individual patient.

Medical Marijuana Uses

From 1993 to 2003 in the United States production of medical marijuana was illegal but tolerated.

Personal visits to a production facility are not allowed, although in most cases press passes can sometimes be had by the media.

Many of the production facilities are kept secret for security reasons anyway. However, medical marijuana is grown throughout the world, normally in green houses.

Illegal Marijuana

Illegal marijuana is grown anywhere too—from personal stashes inside a house with heat lamps to out in the field between more traditional cash crops such as corn or soybeans. The majority of illegal marijuana comes from the Middle East and is grown in large, open fields.

Marijuana Origin and History

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 76 and Sonnet 27, it had been theorized for a long time, both made reference to marijuana. Subsequently, smoking pipes were discovered in the famous author’s garden, chemical testing was done on the pipes, and indeed traces of marijuana were found.

Marijuana has a long history, way before Shakespeare’s time. In fact, marijuana has been used by almost every culture and in every part of the world. The earliest records of Cannabis date back to 6000 BC, where the plant seeds were used as food in China. Not until 1890 and the early portion of the 20th Century did countries around the world begin banning the use of Marijuana. In 1937, though some U.S. States led the charge earlier, the U.S. federal government completely outlawed the herb for both medicinal and recreational use.


Interestingly, marijuana was actually considered a crash crop in the early colony days of America—the British and French harvested the plant in colonies such as Port Royal, Virginia and even Plymouth, which is more famed for eating Thanksgiving turkey than smoking hash.

Today, many myths concerning marijuana exist. For example, by many people it is widely believed that marijuana has no medicinal properties what so ever. However, the herb does reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments, helps with increasing appetites for people suffering from AIDS, assists in reducing pressure within the eye in cases of glaucoma.

Strong evidence also suggests that marijuana can help patients suffering from neurological disorders. The myth that marijuana causes severe and permanent mental illness is also widely prevalent. Though some users of can Cannabis do experience paranoia and panic attacks after usage. Toxic psychosis, however, can be caused by ingesting large quantities of marijuana, though this side effect is rare.

Marijuana Time Line

  • 6000 BC: Marijuana seeds utilized as food in China.
  • 4000 BC: Marijuana is used for clothing in China
  • 2727 BC: Chinese pharmacies use Marijuana for medical purposes. This is the first recorded medical use
  • 1200-800 BC: The Hindu text known as “The Science of Charms” lists Marijuana as a sacred plant.
  • 500 BC: The Scythians bring Marijuana into Northern Europe. The herb spreads throughout the region.
  • 70 AD: The Romans utilize marijuana as medicine.
  • 900 – 1000 AD: Though usage of Marijuana begins spreading through Arabia countries.
  • 1090-1256 AD: Hasan ibn al-Sabbah convinces followers to murder. Rumors concerning al-Sabbah’s use of marijuana to convince his followers to commit the murders abound.
  • 12th Century: Marijuana becomes a popular smoke of choice in the Middle East, it is brought into Egypt.
  • 13th Century: Marijuana is introduced to Africa
  • 1378: Ottoman Emir outlaws eating marijuana.
  • 1549: Slaves brought to Brazil plant marijuana along side sugar cane and use for recreational smoking
  • 1606-1632: Marijuana is grown as a crop in the Port Royal, Virginia and Plymouth American colonies
  • 17th Century: Marijuana is traded throughout Central and South Asia
  • 1798: Though Napoleon completely outlaws marijuana, soldiers  bring the habit to France.
  • 1840: Marijuana is a common medicinal in America.
  • 1890: Marijuana is outlawed in Turkey.
  • 1915-1927: Marijuana is outlawed in the U.S. for recreational and non-medical uses. States to lead the charge are California, Louisiana, New York, and Texas.
  • 1928: Great Britain outlaws the recreational use of marijuana.
  • 1935: China makes marijuana production illegal.
  • 1936: The movie “Reefer Madness” debuts in the United States.
  • 1937: The U.S. federal government outlaws marijuana for all uses.
  • 1967: “Smash” an oil derived from marijuana invades California.
  • 1972: U.S. Commission advises the re-legalization of marijuana.
  • 1973: The last year premium marijuana from Afghanistan is available.
  • 1975: The U.S. FDA allows marijuana usage for medical purposes only.
  • 1988: Judge Francis Young declares a basis in history and science for medical marijuana. Young recommends marijuana be reclassified as a medical drug.
  • 1995: Amsterdam coffee shops re-popularize the smoking of marijuana.
  • 2003: Canada becomes the first country offering marijuana legally as a medical drug to patients.

Marijuana Variations

There are two main variations of medical marijuana. The first is Marinol, otherwise known as Dronabinol. The second is Cesamet.Marinol is synthesized in a lab and sold as a prescription. It is mainly used to increase the appetite of AIDS patients and to combat vomiting in those partaking of chemotherapy.

Those that take marinol have complained of too much a high or psychedelic reaction, and the drug can cause nausea in some patients as well, neither of which is an issue with true medical marijuana since many users of medical marijuana self-medicate to just the point to take care of the vomiting, lack of appetite, or other various symptoms.

Side Effects

Interestingly, marinol is known to cause nausea, which is a problem for the drug because it takes at least a full hour to take effect within the body, and nausea can cause the drug not to be absorbed into the system. Whereas medical marijuana may cause nausea in some, the benefits of the plant can be absorbed into the body within a matter of minutes.

Cesamet is also a synthesized marijuana like substance. Cesamet is traditionally used for controlling nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients. Though not labeled as such in the Untied States or Mexico, the drug is also used for pain management. It does not seem to have the same problems or issues associated with marinol.

Although the main kick to marijuana is a chemical known as THC, and THC is found both in marinol and cesamet, it is important to note that marijuana is a plant, an herb made of a huge number and combination of active ingredients and chemicals including cannabinoid substances.

Marijuana Users

Celebrity advocates of legalizing marijuana abound. Probably the most famous are Cheech and Chong. The pair recently finished an 18-city Get It Legal Tour. Willie Nelson sits on the advisory board of NORML, and probably one of the more outspoken celebs for marijuana reform, and Dennis Hopper is rumored to be fighting a battle with prostate cancer using marijuana from The Farmacy in Venice.

Mr. Dennis Hopper’s prostate cancer aside, marijuana is thought to cure a lot of ailments. People hail it has a wonder drug. From headaches and Alzheimer’s to the relief of side effects from chemotherapy and even helping with multiple sclerosis, marijuana seems to be able to do it all.

Ongoing Research

Research and study, however, is continuing. The main uses for medical marijuana are counter acting the side effects of chemotherapy treatments, treating chronic pain, increasing the appetite of AIDS/HIV patients, and helping relieve eye pressure in sufferers of glaucoma.

Current research is delving into everything from multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, lung cancer (ironically since smoking marijuana is a known carcinogen), obstructive pulmonary disease, and breast cancer—just to name a few.

The active ingredient in marijuana are most likely cannabinoids, of which the three most important are cannabigerol, cannabidiol, and β–caryophyllene. These major cannabinoids found in marijuana comprise only a small portion of what’s actually found in the plant.

There are fifty-seven other cannabinoids, and over three hundred different compounds found in the marijuana plant alone. To say the least, this is a very complicated plant which causes problems for researches in isolating effects of specific compounds and effects of the compounds in relation to one and another.

Modern Marijuana

Marijuana is probably one of the most versatile medicinal plant in relation to methods of dosage. Most notably, the drug can be smoked. Illegally gotten marijuana is normally taken in this form, though there are some health risks associated with smoking the plant.

Marijuana can also be inhaled through vaporization. Drinking and eating the plant is a possibility too. People have even been known to make teas with the marijuana plant.

Marijuana Health Benefits


Nabilone was approved for medicinal usage in 1985 by both the United States and Canada.

The drug assists in alleviating nausea caused by chemotherapy when other more mainstream drugs have failed. In some AIDS patients, there is a definite related weight loss problem, and the drug Marinol has been used in the United States since 1992 to increase appetite.


In 1985, Marinol was approved both in the United States and Canada to combat vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Sativex which has only been approved in Canada for helping with the pain associated with multiple sclerosis and pain associated with various cancers.

All three drugs derive from the marijuana plant, and are taken orally in pill form. There are current debates on whether the pill form of marijuana is the best dosage method.

Some camps suggest smoking is the best intake form, though the official stance within the United States is that smoking medical marijuana can lead to lung cancer as well as other lung related conditions. The method of vaporization, it is assumed, negates any ill effects through smoking the herb.

Marijuana Claims and Cures

Some pretty wild claims have bee made about the cure-all ability of the marijuana plant. A New Zealand group even purports that the herb can cure Mad Cow Disease, stopping the build-up of BSE prion toxins. The New Zealand group cites a French study done with mice and sheep. Interestingly enough, the study did not make it clear as to whether marijuana cured Mad Cow only in cows or humans or both.

Marijuana in of itself does not cure anything. Marijuana does alleviate pain as does aspirin and ibuprofen. Marijuana also alleviates nausea as does Dramamine and Pepto-Bismol. In cases of nausea caused by chemotherapy regiments, marijuana is more effective for some patients than other mainstream drugs on the market. Marijuana can help with reducing ocular pressure for those suffering from glaucoma, but traditional, mainstream drugs exist in the market place for this use too.

Personal Use

Marijuana is not special. It has just as many side effects and causes just as many problems as any other drug on the market, for instance, aspirin is a great headache reliever, but can cause internal stomach bleeding. Marijuana also helps symptomatic health related problems, but so don’t a lot of other natural and manufactured drugs.

As with any drug, the individual is left with what works best for him or her. A doctor should always be consulted in these matters. It is absolutely advised not to go out and purchase illegal or street marijuana because there is no way of verifying the quality of product or the purity of the product one is receiving.

Marijuana Usage

There are six typical ways to take marijuana into the body.


By far, smoking marijuana is the most common intake method. The effects are almost immediate and allows the user a very precise control over the amount of the dosage. Smoking in general is not a healthy option for the lungs.

Smoking the marijuana flowers as opposed to the leaves reduces the marijuana dosage amount needed to smoke, and the use of a water pipe or bonk cools the smoke and reduces and a lot of the toxins created by burning.


When people think about eating marijuana, the immediate image that comes to mind is sitcom television when someone on the show bakes a plate of “brownies” and the person not intended to eat the marijuana treat ends of eating them.

The marijuana brownie, however, is a very traditional method of dosing. The plant can also be baked into cookies and occasional users will pair the drug with mashed dates into a candy like substance. Eating marijuana slows the effects of the drug, but can also increase the strength of the effects. Controlling dosage amounts sometimes takes a learning curve, especially if the user has been more familiar with the smoking method.


marijuana is a herb and can be made into a tea just like any other herb. After boiling the water, steep the marijuana for at least an hour and a half. A teaspoon of butter can be added for taste. The same drawbacks and problems associated with eating marijuana are go for drinking the marijuana as a tea.


A tincture is a medicinal extracted in alcohol. At home, this process is normally done with vodka. Once the mixture has been strained, it can be drank almost like cough syrup.


Marijuana is sometimes used as a compress to relieve pain, much as Ben Gay or other ointments are used. To make a marijuana compress, simply follow the recipe for tea, soak a cloth in the “tea” and apply to relieve pain. Normally takes about thirty minutes or so to work.

Manufactured synthetic drugs

Manufactured drugs such as marinol can be taken orally. It is important to never smoke any synthetic marijuana drug.

Marijuana Legality

Legal medical marijuana in the U.S. is available only through a prescription written by a practicing medical doctor. A user can not obtain medical marijuana through the Internet, and the drug’s legal status is different from country to country and from U.S. State to State.

A Sample List of Countries

  • Albania – illegal
  • Argentina – legal
  • Australia – illegal
  • Austria – illegal
  • Belgium – illegal
  • Bolivia – illegal
  • Brazil – illegal
  • Bulgaria – illegal
  • Canada – decriminalized
  • Chile – decriminalized
  • Colombia – decriminalized
  • Comoros – illegal
  • Czech Republic – decriminalized
  • Denmark – illegal
  • Dominica – illegal
  • Ecuador – decriminalized
  • Estonia – illegal
  • Finland – decriminalized
  • France – illegal
  • Germany – decriminalized
  • Greece – illegal
  • Hungary – illegal
  • Iceland – illegal
  • Indonesia – illegal
  • India – regulated by government
  • Iran – illegal
  • Israel – illegal
  • Jamaica – illegal
  • Japan – illegal
  • Lithuania – illegal
  • Luxembourg – illegal
  • Republic of Macedonia – decriminalizedMarijuana, Where to Use and Buy
  • Malaysia – illegal
  • Mexico – decriminalized
  • Montenegro – illegal
  • Netherlands – decriminalized
  • New Zealand – illegal
  • Norway – illegal
  • Pakistan – legal
  • Paraguay – illegal
  • Peru – legal
  • Philippines – illegal
  • Poland – illegal
  • Portugal – decriminalized
  • Romania – illegal
  • Russia – illegal
  • Saudi Arabia – illegal
  • Serbia – illegal
  • Singapore – illegal
  • Sri Lanka – illegal
  • Sweden – illegal
  • Switzerland – illegal
  • Republic of China – illegal
  • United Arab Emirates – illegal
  • United Kingdom – illegal
  • United States – decriminalized
  • Ukraine – illegal
  • Uruguay – legal
  • Venezuela – decriminalized
  • Vietnam – illegal

Legality by U.S. State

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • Michigan
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Washington

U.S. States Pending Legislation

  • Alabama
  • Delaware
  • Illinois
  • Massachusetts
  • Missouri
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Dakota
  • Wisconsin

Marijuana Side Effects

Unfortunately, there are quite a few side effects with marijuana use, and the majority of these side effects are worse with inhalation as opposed to ingesting.

Only after just a few minutes of inhaling marijuana, the heart increases its beat rate from around seventy to eighty beats per minute to anywhere from ninety to a hundred beats per minute. The heart rate can actually double in some users.

After the heart beat increases and the THC from the marijuana makes its way into the brain, the user can experience sounds and colors in a very intense way.

Visual & Psychological Effects

Time seems to be distorted, and moves slowly. The mouth becomes dry, and sometimes the user begins craving food or drink. Once this high passes a slight depression can occur, though most likely he or she may only feel tired or sleepy. In some cases, use of marijuana can cause panic attacks and anxiety.

Long term side effects include the inability to create memories, to remember existing memories, and inhibits concentration.

Probably the most frightening side effect that one study suggested is the increased likelihood of a heart attack within the first hour of having smoked a joint. Marijuana is an addictive substance, and many detractors of its use tout the Gateway Theory.

The Gateway theory states that marijuana use will lead to the abuse and addiction of other harder, illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. There is no substantive evidence to back up the Gateway theory other than incidental and case studies.

Marijuana Product

Purchasing marijuana illegally is easy enough, but the street price varies from region to region and even from individual areas within a region. A dime bag is also no longer only ten bucks, and there is a premium placed on higher quality marijuana—almost like buying wine or coffee, except in the case of marijuana, if one gets caught, there are at minimum some legal fines that’ll need paid on top of the original purchase.

On average though, an illegal marijuana buyer will spend roughly between one hundred fifty dollars to two hundred fifty dollars per ounce of marijuana. In Europe, the cost is much cheaper—only two to fourteen Euros per gram, which is about $71.12 to $ 497.84 in U.S. dollars per ounce, all dependent upon the quality of the marijuana, of course.

Buying Statistics

In the U.S., marijuana is ranked as the number four value crop and averages around three thousand dollars a pound. It is easily a thirty-six billion dollar industry. Not surprisingly, the smuggling and supplying end of the market is where most of the money is spent.

Legally, acquiring medical marijuana is not cheap. In Canada, the marijuana treatments run anywhere from $4000 to $9351 per year. This, of course, does not include the upfront cost of the visit to the prescribing doctor, which is the only way anyone can get medical marijuana legally.


Lime Blossom

Referred to as the linden blossom in North America, the lime blossom is a very powerful, and useful,  medicinal flower. The flowers, inner bark, and leaves of the linden tree have been collected and used to treat a variety of illnesses for ages.

The linden tree is a tree belonging to the tiliaceae family, and thrives in the temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere. Though it is native to the eastern part of North America, it isn’t typically found is the western half. It is also native to most parts of Europe and Asia.

It can be found in the moist, rich soils of valleys, neighboring other hardwood trees. They grow wild, or because of its reputation as a great shade tree and the fragrant flowers, they are often planted alongside the road or in parks.

Lime Blossom Characteristics

It is a very large deciduous tree and can grow to be anywhere from 70 feet to over 100 feet tall. Large asymmetrical, heart-shaped leaves make up the dense, abundant foliage in the summer months.

The tops of the leaves are a dark green, and the underside is very shiny, or sometimes fuzzy and almost white.

Lime Blossom Herbal Uses

The wood produced by the linden tree is popular with artists of all varieties. Because it is so easy to work with and has very little grain, it is commonly used in carvings.

Because of its better resonance at mid and high frequency, it is a popular material in the making of guitars, both acoustic and electric.

Most well known are the flowers of this tree. Lime blossoms have five yellowish petals, that are extremely fragrant.

In the summer, when the linden tree is in bloom, it is a very popular tree. Bees, perfume makers, and herbalist all have an interest in its flowers. Later on, when the flowers go to seed, small seeds can be found clustered in the leaves. These are about the size and shape of a pea.

How to Use the Parts

The leaves, flowers, and inner bark of the linden tree are all used for a number of things. For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers can be dried and used as a tea, used to make a lime blossom tincture, or put in capsule form. Sometimes, the wood is burned, and the charcoal from it is ground up into a fine powder to be used either internally or externally.


Linden trees and their blossoms have been used by man for ages and by a number of cultures. For many it is considered a sacred tree and is very important, even today.

It is said that a tree standing in the courtyard of the Imperial Castle at Nuremberg is a linden tree, planted by Empress Cunigude, wife of Emperor Henry II of Germany. Their reign was near the beginning of the 11th century. Though old and sparse, the tree still stands today.

The linden tree is referred to as the lipa to the Slavic people, and was considered a sacred tree. Today, it is still the national emblem for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In 1990, the ‘lipa’ was one of the names proposed for the Slovenian currency.

Up until the age of enlightenment, judicial meetings of the Germanic people were held under a linden tree. Verdicts often came back sub tilia, meaning “under linden.” It was a common belief that the tree helped unearth the truth in certain matters. Sitting under the linden tree was believed to cure epilepsy in some cultures.

Uses in Ancient History

The wood and inner bark of the tree was used by the Native American people to build sturdy canoes and weave baskets, and fabrics.

Because of the heart shaped leaves, the linden tree’s leaves, flowers and wood are popular used in love spells. It is also used for protection and good luck purposes. Growing a linden tree in a garden or near a house is supposed to keep negative energies and evil spirits away. Often times, good luck charms are carved out of the wood of the tree.

History of Lime Blossom

In Ovid’s ‘The Metamorphosis,’ the lime tree was also mentioned. In the story of Philemon and his wife, Baucis, Jove and his son came to earth as humans.

According to the story, “they knocked for shelter at a thousand homes and learned a thousand gates were locked against them.” When they reached the humble cottage of Philemon and Baucis, the old couple let them in and fed them.

Moved by this, Jove chose to spare them and their home as a flood wiped out the rest of the town. At the time of their death, years later, he was changed into an oak tree, and she was changed into a linden tree. To this day, these trees can be found growing next to each other in forests.


The lime blossom has a number of uses. Spectacular, rich honey is produced in hives that are situated next to lime blossoms. The flowers produce an abundance of sticky, sweet nectar that bees seem to find irresistible. Any bee keeper would be lucky to have a lime tree in the area. Some of the world’s best honey comes from the nectar of the lime blossom. When in bloom, a bee will rarely pass up to chance to gather nectar from this tree. It yields a pale, rich, and flavorful honey.

The flowers are also gathered by perfume makers, to capture the beautiful scent, and by herbalists, to capture the many healing properties of this blossom. Just one ounce of a popular perfume, French Lime Blossom, designed by Jo Malone, costs over $50.

Holistic Medicine

Lime blossoms are best known, and most widely recognized as a holistic medicine. It has been used throughout the ages to soothe a number of ailments and medical conditions. It has very few, if any, side effects, and there are no known drug interactions.

In fact, the Food and Drug Administration believes that it may even be safe for women who are pregnant or nursing, and for children. This tea is growing in popularity since it can be used by just about anyone for extended periods of time.

The only possible problem was reported by the German Commission E report. It was found that ingestion of large quantities of lime blossom could possibly lead to heart problems in some people. This only happens in a very small percentage of people, and only after massive ingestion.

Lowering Stress

Some people swear by lime blossoms to greatly lower stress levels and help treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It has a natural calming effect when consumed in a tea form. Switching from coffee or regular tea to a cup of lime blossom tea three times a day can help one calm down and become less nervous. Infants who are overwrought and upset can usually be soothed by placing them in a bath with a strong infusion of lime blossom.

Because of its calming effect on the nervous and circulatory system, lime blossom is also used to treat high blood pressures, especially those brought on by stress. It not only slows a person’s heart rate, but can also cause mild coronary vasodilation. One herbalist even thinks that it also has a healing effect on blood vessel walls, which can even extend to the improvement of varicose veins. To lower blood pressure, 20 drops of a lime blossom tincture three times a day is recommended.

Since it is a diuretic when taken as a cool infusion, lime blossom can help ailments that affect the urinary tract.

In Lieu of Drugs

Instead of using drugs, such as aspirin and acetaminophen, to lower fevers in children and adults, a hot lime blossom tea can be drank instead. Although it has quite a pleasant taste, it can be mixed with honey. The properties in the flower increase blood flow to the skin and induces sweating, which, in turn, lowers the body temperature. Cold and flu symptoms can be reduced greatly by drinking lime blossom tea. It is an antioxidant and pushes toxins out of the body. Nasal congestion and coughs can also be treated with the tea.

Anti-fungal properties of lime blossom have been reported, and it is sometimes used in lotions for itchy skin. The charcoal from a burnt linden log can also be used as an absorbing powder on an infected wound.

Helping Your Body

The liver can benefit from the inner bark or sapwood of the tree. In France it is used to help stimulate the flow of bile, and assure the non-aggressive drainage of the liver. This is essential to the natural restoration of the liver.

Mucilage in the lime blossom has a soothing quality when it comes in contact with the membranes of the digestive system, and is used to treat some stomach problems, such as nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea.

Stress related headaches and some migraines can be treated with lime blossom.

Active Ingredients

The healing properties of the lime blossom is attributed mainly to flavanoids in it. Flavanoids are water-soluble plant pigments that give flowers their yellow, red, or purple colors. They help attract pollinators, such as bees, and also protect the plant from microbes, insects, and fungi. Mucilage, tannins, acids, glycosides, and volatile oils are also in lime blossom, and help produce its medicinal qualities.

Capsules, Tinctures, and Teas

Lime blossom can be bought in capsule, tincture or tea form. They can be purchased online or offline, at health food stores or herb shops.

Some people prefer capsules over tinctures and teas. These capsules are filled with a dose of lime blossom leaves and flowers. For 100 capsules, the price is around $7. The usual dosage is two capsules taken three times a day.

A tincture is an alcohol based plant extract. One ounce of a lime blossom tincture will usually cost anywhere between $10 and $15. Recommended dosage is usually 2 – 4 mL taken three times a day.

Consuming Lime Blossom

Lime blossom tea is, by far, the most popular method of consumption. The tea has a nice mild taste, but honey may be added if so desired. It is sold both loose and in tea bags.

When preparing lime blossom tea, it is important to remember to cover it while it steeps. Some important volatile oils that give the tea its soothing effect can escape in the steam. Four ounces of loose tea containing leaves and flowers can be purchased for around $7, and the cost of about 25 tea bags is about the same.

If you’re gathering your own lime blossom, the flowers are best picked a couple of days after it has rained. To make sure the sun hasn’t dried up any essential oils, between ten in the morning and noon is the best time to pick the flowers. They should be fully open and dry. To dry them, place them on paper towels or newspaper until dry, remembering to turn them everyday. Once dry and brittle, they can be stored in sealed jars or a paper bag.



The History And Benefits Of Jasmine

Jasmine’ is a common name for plants classified in the genus Jasminium. There are over two hundred individual species of jasmine, which come from Asia, Europe, and Africa. The precise original location of jasmine is heavily disputed.

Some botanists pinpoint as originating from India in the northern parts of the Himalayan valleys. Others place it as far away as Egypt or ancient Persia. The name itself, ‘jasmine’, comes from a Persian word meaning ‘fragrant flower’.

Benefits of Jasmine

Where it is Grown

Jasmine tolerates a variety of soils, which makes it excellent for many different gardens.

Jasmine prefers sun to shade; in fact, this plant like sun so much it does not do well in shade at all. If the garden is filled with trees, the gardener must carefully trim them on a regular basis in order to make sure that jasmine stays in the sunshine.

For this reason, jasmine is mainly grown today in tropical and subtropical regions.

Jasmine is actually a vine-like plant, and one vine can grow to cover a large area, so gardeners may only need one jasmine plant to completely fill the space that has been prepared for it.

Prepping for Use

This flower can be pruned as a shrub or as a vine, so making sure what form to keep the plant in is critical in the early stages of growth. The holes for jasmine must be placed about eight feet apart. Each hole should be about three to six inches in width. When planting jasmine in the ground, be very careful not to choke it by covering its base with too much dirt. This will kill the plant; it is very sensitive to being suffocated, so keep that in mind.

To make jasmine into a consumable form such as jasmine tea, the blossoms from the plant are added to a bag of dry tea leaves. The unique thing about this flower is that it only opens at night. For this reason, unopened blossoms are used to make tea. The bad is stored over night so the blossoms can open and scent the tea leaves. This process is repeated ten times until the tea leaves are thoroughly saturated with the smell. This makes for some excellent tea.

Since ancient times jasmine has been known as the queen of flowers. For this reason, jasmine has held a place of preeminence among rulers throughout history.

History And Origin Of Usage

Egypt dynasties, Chinese emperors, and kings of Afghanistan, Nepal and Persia were all said to keep jasmine flowers in their royal gardens. One Chinese emperor, living in the time of the Sung dynasty, kept a large quantity of jasmine in the grounds of his palace because he enjoyed their scent so much.

Varieties of the main species of jasmine used in perfume had found their way to Spain through the Moors in 1600. Major European powers such as France and Germany first came into contact with jasmine by the 1700s.

Medicinal Purposes

Jasmine has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. In southern and southeastern Asia, jasmine flowers are worn by women as hair decorations.

The applications of lotions made from jasmine flowers to skin problems like sunburns and rashes have been widely noted. The juices of the flower are said to restore the skin’s moisture and elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and giving the skin a healthier look and feel.


The largest usage of jasmine can be found in aromatherapy. In this field, jasmine is said to have a calming, relaxing effect. In addition, the scent of the flower is said to help sufferers of depression find relief. Another field where jasmine finds a large market is essential oils. Jasmine as an essential oil has many beneficial uses.

It is used as an anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, and even as a medicine to help users sleep better. In fact, in India jasmine is said to be such a good aphrodisiac, the bride and groom’s bedroom are decorated with it for their wedding night.

Different flowers are used for different things, of course. Jasmine is no different.

Known Variations

There are over two hundred different species of Jasminium. Each species is called by a characteristic name; for instance, the main species, which is simply known as jasmine, is Jasminium Officinale. A popular vine-growing jasmine species in the southern United States is jasminoides, also known as star jasmine or confederate jasmine.

All the variations of the jasmine flower have the same bloom shape: five petals that unfold outward like a star. This makes jasmine easy to recognize, even for newcomers to botany.


Jasmine flowers generally fall into three groups: shrubs, hardy climbers and indoor flowers. The shrubs are usually in a loose, open configuration. If left alone, the shrub will eventually reach ten feet by ten feet.

Fortunately, the shrub variety of jasmine is easy to control. Since it roots so easily, it is also easy to propagate. The most notable species of this group is Jasminium nudiflorum, or winter jasmine. During the cold months it retains green stems and yellow flowers even in the midst of snow.

A Transforming Flower

Hardy climbers are the vine-like family of jasmine flowers. These flowers are distinguished by their ability to cling to walls without supports, which makes them great for walled gardens. The species known as Jasminium officianale, or summer jasmine, aside from being the main jasmine species and consequently the most well-known, is also the species that best exemplifies this group.

They can transform a garden on a warm summer’s evening into a romantic paradise. This plant will cover an area of forty feet by twenty feet.

Finally, the indoor flowers are known for their ability to brighten up a room. Even having only two flowers will noticeably suffuse a room with wonderful fragrances. Indoor flowers typically reach dimensions of twenty feet by twenty feet. These plants are great for making a room feel like spring in the winter months.

What It’s Used For And Why It Works

Jasmine is used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Jasmine is said to either aid in the treatment of or cure a wide variety of common symptoms:

  • headaches
  • sunburns and rashes
  • irritability
  • sexual problems
  • heat exhaustion and sunstroke
  • pain
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • uterine problems

These issues are aided by using jasmine in tea or lotion form. Topical remedies include the fresh juice squeezed from the plant; it is good for healing corns that appear on the foot.

One of its most famous uses is as a purported aphrodisiac. Jasmine tea is said to be particularly effective in this way; it increases the production of sperm as well as helps in healing the causes of both frigidity and impotence.

Unproven Claims

Subjectively, it is said to restore optimism and confidence in addition to mental energy and vitality. Jasmine tea contains benzoic acetate, linalool, indole and jasmon, all of which are used to make aphrodisiacs. Some say that jasmine is better than other stimulants because these compounds occur in the plant naturally.

Massage Oil

Jasmine is also wonderful as massage oil. The restorative effects of jasmine on the skin are widely noted, as are the benefits of jasmine massage oil. The unique properties of this plant allow the skin to rejuvenate, since the oil moisturizes the skin and restores elasticity.

Using Jasmine

Use for Traditional Diseases

Jasmine is used to relieve all manner of symptoms and diseases, including even some forms of cancer, like breast cancer. Jasmine can even be used to clean scrapes and cuts.

The medicinal properties of this plant, from sexuality to healing patients at death’s door, bears out the designation of this plant as the “queen of the night” by the Indians in ancient times. Jasmine is an extraordinary plant.

How It Is Used Today

Today, jasmine is used mainly in the beauty and healthcare industries. The two biggest ways that jasmine is used are as an aromatherapy product and as an essential oil. An essential oil is a hydrophobic liquid that contains high concentrations of the native plant juices from which they are made.

In other words, jasmine essential oil is basically the jasmine plant in oil form. Aside from essential oils, jasmine tea is also very popular. This tea is very aromatic, and known for its relaxing properties, especially for providing relief from fatigue and stress.


Jasmine plants are also used for landscaping. The romantic connotations of jasmine make it perfect for decorating outdoor villas, especially during the summer months. Botanically, jasmine plants like winter jasmine are classified as deciduous perennials.

Since jasmine plants love being out in the sun, this makes them great for decorating walkways and sidewalks in gardens and parks. Jasmine plants brighten up rooms and make the indoor environment seem friendlier.

Proven And Unproven Claims About Jasmine

Over the centuries, jasmine has acquired a veritable corpus of mythological beliefs. Some of these allegations, like the statement that jasmine green tea has spiritual benefits to the drinker, may never be able to be tested properly.

Although many people have reported experiential benefits from consuming jasmine in some form, many of these claims have not been tested. New users must remain cautious and approach using jasmine with an attitude of respectful curiosity. Jasmine may trigger allergic reactions in some people; the full extent to which this is possible has not yet been explored.

Use as a Healing Product

Jasmine as an aphrodisiac and as a healing element has not been seriously disputed, although there are hardcore skeptics who deny the benefits of anything outside of their own experience. The main thing to keep in mind about jasmine is the fact that the plant is merely a plant.

Certain properties may be helpful under particular circumstances, but the overriding factor is the idiosyncratic constitution of the individual. This may mean that jasmine is totally ineffective with certain people or with certain conditions.

For instance, one claim about jasmine tea, especially jasmine green tea, which has been made is its calming properties. The question that arises is how could green tea calm anyone when it has caffeine? To be sure, jasmine could have some way of integrating the caffeine with other properties in the tea, but this still remains a relatively unproven claim, although many have attested that it does, in fact, calm them considerably.

Typical Dosage When Used

The appropriate dose of jasmine depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for jasmine.

Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

What level of dosage for jasmine depends on multiple factors including age, overall health, etc. Specific dosages are usually not issued for jasmine. Generally speaking, since any product containing jasmine is typically very potent, do not take more than you want. Only start using jasmine in small amounts, and increase the amounts if the patient feels it is necessary.

Take note that using jasmine in a massage context requires no dosages at all. In fact, it is disputed whether the concept of doses is even applicable to jasmine at all.

Legal Status

Currently, jasmine tea is legal for both recreational and medicinal use in all countries of the world. There have been no serious claims made against the use of jasmine for either herbal uses or as simply drinking tea or brightening up one’s yard.

Potential Side Effects

While many people report beneficial effects from using jasmine in some form, others report side effects. For example, it is commonly known not to use jasmine more than is necessary for such purposes as food preparation if the patient is pregnant or nursing.

Aside from this all manner of side effects have been reported from using jasmine. So far no serious side effects have come up. The majority of these effects can probably be attributed to allergic reactions. Customers are well advised to follow the rule of caveat emptor when looking for products made from jasmine; it is their responsibility to research as much as they can before buying anything.

Where To Find Products

Jasmine flowers, essential oils and aromas can be found online and in multiple locations. Amazon offers a huge variety of jasmine flowers through its Home and Garden department. Essential oils made from jasmine are sold wherever health products are available, whether online or from a local store. Typical prices can range from five to fifteen dollars and up for more rare products.

Aromatherapy products can easily be found online. Flowers can be purchased through nurseries as well as through online flower shops.

Buying products online is the best way to find the same products at discounted prices. Online stores offer jasmine products at half-price or even a fraction of the regular price at regular stores.



What Are Blackheads?

A blackhead is known in the medical world as an open comedo. They are of the larger class of acne problems called acne vulgaris & can occur in any location on the body and appears as a yellow or black bump on the skin.

Blackheads are follicles or sebaceous glands filled with sebum, keratin and excess oil. The oils accumulate at a small opening and form a raised portion on the skin. When the material inside reaches air, the material oxidizes and turns black. In some cases, melanin may be the cause of the dark color of blackheads.

Whiteheads vs Blackheads

Whiteheads are also a part of the acne vulgaris class, but whiteheads do not have a small opening at the surface of the skin. Since no air reaches the sebum, the material inside the bump does not turn black but remains white. This is the primary difference between the two.

The skin lesions most often occur on the nose or cheeks, but they may also be found on the back or chest. People can easily identify blackheads because the color is distinguishable from other types of acne.

Illustration of Types of Acne & Pimples, including Whiteheads & Blackheads.

What Causes Blackheads?

Many people think they are caused by poor hygiene, though this is not necessarily the case. Poor hygiene may be a contributing factor, but it is not a direct correlation. They are actually caused by an accumulation of excess oils in the sebaceous glands. The sebum and keratin builds up, clogs hair follicles and forms a bump. As the bump is exposed to air, the keratin and sebum oxidizes and turns black.

When the blackhead is extracted, the contents are usually a yellow-brown color instead of black. The melanin content is often responsible for the color. Oxidized sebum may reflect light differently to produce a “black” hue.

Poor hygiene allows dead cells, dirt or dust to accumulate and clog the pores. This blocks the escape of the oils from the skin and can cause more blackheads to form. So, poor hygiene is important, but it is not the direct cause of formation.

What is Sebum?

Sebum is comprised of a fatty material produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands. The fatty material is made of wax, lipids and debris from fat cells. Sebum is released when cells burst. When sebaceous glands are stimulated by hormones, they release more sebum into the hair follicle. Sebum is a sticky substance, so when it combines with bacteria and dead skin cells that can easily form blackheads and other acne pimples. Seborrhoea is a condition caused by excess sebum.

Sebum is odorless. Odor is produced from bacterial breakdown. Sebum will only emit odor when a bacterial infection is present. Sebum is also present in other areas of the body. Earwax contains sebum. Sebum is also responsible for oily hair when it is not washed for several days.

Sebum consists primarily of wax esters, tryglicerides and squalene. Wax esters and squalene are only produced by sebaceous glands. Forty-five percent of sebum is comprised of water-insoluble fatty acids. These fatty acids have antimicrobial properties.

Good Properties of Sebum. Though sebum can cause blackheads, it also has some good properties. Sebum provides Vitamin E to the upper dermis of the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. The integrity of the skin’s barrier is maintained by sebum. Sebum also delivers antioxidants, pheromones and hydrates stratum corneum.

Four Things to Know about Sebaceous Glands

  1. Sebaceous Glands are Holocrine Glands. Sebaceous glands are also known as holocrine glands. These glands are found all over the body. Since sebaceous glands are present all over the body, blackheads can form on any area where the glands are present. The secretion of sebum is necessary to keep the skin moisturized and healthy, but overproduction can lead to formation of blackheads. Sebum protects the body from bacteria and other foreign substances from entering the body.
  2. Overactive Sebaceous Glands Cause Blackheads. Excess sebum is present on skin because of stress, a diet high in fat or due to excessive scrubbing. Blackheads form from excess sebum and dead skin cells & accelerated glandular activity may also lead to formation.
  3. Underactive Sebaceous Glands Causes Dryness. Underactive sebaceous glands causes dry and flaky skin. With underactive glands, the skin becomes sensitive to weather, sun and other factors. Excess exposure to water can also reduce the production of sebum. Reduced production leads to dry skin.
  4. Sebaceous Glands Play Other Protective Roles in the Body. Though unrelated to external skin, vernix caseosa also plays a role in the protection and development of the embryonic skin in a woman’s uterus during pregnancy. Vernix caseosa is produced by sebaceous glands. Sebeceous glands also work with apocrine glands to play a thermoregulatory role. In hot environments, sebaceous glands produce secretions that emulsify. This process prevents the loss of sweat drops. Sebum also repels rain from skin and hair.

Other Contributing Factors and Myths About Formation

Truth: Changes in Hormone Levels Cause Blackheads. Changes in hormone levels are responsible for high levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hormones triggers over-activity in oil glands and produces clogged pores. Oil production varies based upon a person’s age. During puberty, oil production is at its highest. As people age, oil production diminishes. For this reason, most people have less acne formation as they get older.

Conversely, youthful skin also diminishes with age. Oil production helps people look younger and maintain a beautiful appearance. When people reach their twenties, oil production reduces and moisturizers are required to balance the loss of moisture. More moisture replenishment is required by the thirties.

From the forties and beyond, oil production diminishes significantly and signs of aging becomes apparent. Wrinkles start to form, and acne becomes less common. People are required to significantly increase their moisturizing regimen to counteract the dryness.

The key to control is balancing moisture levels. Too much moisture leads to blackhead formation. Too little moisture leads to wrinkles and visible signs of aging. Balance will prevent signs of aging while reducing acne problems.

Some Myth/Some Truth: Improperly Cleaned Skin Causes Blackheads. While poor hygiene is not a direct cause of formation, improperly cleaned skin can cause dead skin build-up. Dead skin build-up makes it more likely that pores will become clogged. Clogged pores accelerate the build-up of oil and sebum inside the pores. Patients must establish a balance. Over-cleaning could lead to skin irritation.

Truth: Excessive Use of Moisturizers Causes Blackheads. Excessive use of moisturizers, sunscreens, foundation or make-up can clog pores & accelerate the production of blackheads.

Mostly Myth/Some Truth: Acne and Blackhead Formation is Hereditary. Acne is not hereditary except for some severe cases.

Some Myth/Some Truth: Food Causes Blackhead Formation. The food ingested into the body does affect how the body functions. Nutrients can affect healthy production of hormones and other aspects of skin production. A high fat diet, for instances, may increase the amount of fat in the skin.

Fluctuations in dietary fat can affect sebum production. Healthy blood production is promoted when excess fat is removed from the diet. Low-glycemic foods prevent insulin surges. Insulin surges may lead to inflammation and clogged pores.

Foods most commonly blamed for blackhead formation include: Chocolates, greasy food and dairy products. These foods do have higher fat content than other foods and may promote sebum production. Chocolate, for instance, does not have specific properties leading to acne formation. Despite the evidence, most parents will warn kids not to eat chocolate to promote healthy skin.

Chocolate in excess may lead to obesity which may cause increased sebum production and unhealthy skin. Physicians are studying more about the link between dairy and acne formation but no conclusive evidence has been found.

Truth: Lack of Sleep Causes Blackhead Formation. Lack of high quality sleep causes stress. When stress hormones increase in the body, blood sugar levels increase. When cortisol, a stress hormone, increases blood sugar levels, inflammation increases and sebaceous glands become stimulated. Excess oils are produced from overactive sebaceous glands. This contributes to acne breakouts. Physicians recommend sleeping for eight hours of sleep for night to avoid acne breakouts.

Truth: Manage Stress Levels to Reduce Blackhead Formation. Unmanaged stress can increase levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol. Cytokines are inflammatory compounds. These hormones are also increased when stress levels are high. Chronically high stress levels can depress the adrenal glands. This may lead to hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism stimulates the sebaceous glands by initiating a chain reaction of hormone secretions. Stress levels should be managed to ameliorate this cycle.

Truth: Teenagers are More Prone to Blackhead Formation. Teenagers in puberty are more likely to have acne because their hormone levels are changing & this is the stage in their lives when oil production is at its highest. Teenagers must learn to balance moisture levels and manage oil production to prevent acne & prevent pores from becoming clogged.

Truth: Hair Touching the Face Promotes Blackhead Formation. Oily or dirty hair touching the face can spread infection & acne issues. Experts recommend keeping facial hair to a minimum.

Truth: Cosmetics Promote Blackhead Formation. Cosmetics such as foundation and powders can clog hair follicles and promote excessive oil build-up. Dermatologists recommend non-comedogenic cosmetics and cleansers to prevent clogged pores. Water-based or oil-free cosmetics are recommended.

Truth: Health Conditions Promote Blackhead Formation. Diabetes, neurological conditions and polycystic ovary syndrome all contribute to oily skin. There is also a correlation indicating an increase in sebum production with HIV, Parkinson’s disease, strokes and head injuries. Blackheads, bacterial infections and fungal infections may form if these health conditions persist without treatment.

How Common Are Blackheads?

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States. Acne is often self-treated. Since physicians do not treat every case of acne, it is hard to determine exactly how many people are affected by acne each year. Nearly every teenager has an acne episode in their lives. Thus, the numbers are fairly large. Studies indicate an estimate of between 17 million and 45 million Americans are acne sufferers.

Blackheads on Man's Nose.

Most people will develop at least one blackhead at some point in their lives, especially during puberty when hormones are changing & oil production increases. Oil production aids in a youthful glow, but blackheads are an unwanted side effect of this occurrence in life.

While poor hygiene does not promote excessive oil production, dead skin, dirt, makeup, bacteria and other external elements can clog pores. Clogged pores with excessive oil production will lead to blackheads. Teenagers should develop proper hygiene to prevent clogs.

Pore issues are most common in people with oily or combination skin & will most likely occur in the T-Zone. The T-Zone consists of the forehead, nose and chin areas. The back is also another common problem issue, but most teens cannot reach this area to clean or to treat with astringent.

People who work around a lot of pollution are also more prone to issues. This may include people:

  • working outdoors, in construction, or for the Department of Transportation
  • working in custodian positions as janitors or maids who frequently use household cleansing chemicals
  • who work as fry cooks or near a deep fryer
  • located in high humidity environments

People who scrub their faces excessively will be more prone to blackheads, as excessive scrubbing stimulates sebum production. Exfoliation should be performed at most once weekly to prevent pores from becoming clogged. Alternatively, gentle exfoliation can take place daily.

Eliminating Blackheads

Some common reasons for eliminating them include:

Remove Bacteria. Prevent Infection. Blackheads contain bacteria which could lead to further infection. They should not be allowed to persist untreated for a significant period of time. Obviously, extractions can be performed by a licensed aesthetician, but many experts do not recommend that people perform extractions at home. The practice can lead to scarring and other problems if not performed properly.

Improve Appearance and Self Esteem. Because of the black to yellow-brown coloring of blackheads, blackheads are visible to others & can be distracting. People with the condition may wonder if the person is focusing on what they are saying or their blemishes, causing them to have a lower self-esteem & less confidence in their interactions.

Studies have shown that people with whiter teeth and clear facial skin are more likely to get jobs than others. Severe cases of acne may require visiting a dermatologist to help improve the skin’s condition.

What Are the Most Common Methods for Eliminating Blackheads?

Should You Squeeze Them?

The recommendations are mixed. Extractions can potentially cause skin damage and contamination. Many people perform self-extractions to accelerate the process and reduce the unsightly appearance. There are risks, however, which include:

  • Contamination. Bacteria in the pores could penetrate deeper into the skin and contaminate other areas. Inflammation and redness will increase as a result. The surrounding area will become even more unsightly. When the blackhead erupts, the bacteria could spread to other pores and promote formation of additional acne.
  • Scar Damage. Self-extraction may cause permanent damage to pores and also produce scar damage. Certain procedures must be followed to prevent scar damage.

How to Extract a Blackhead Properly

Blackhead extraction process.
Apply a heated compress for 10 to 20 minutes. This process opens the pores and loosens the sebum in the pore. Experts suggest using a blackhead extractor, which is placed directly above & pressure is applied. If the sebum does not immediately extract, do not force it because it is not ready. Prolonged pressure may lead to an infection or scarring.

If the process is successful, the area of skin will heal, and the person’s appearance will improve. Experts do not recommend squeezing pores on the nose, as the location is more prone to infection. Aggravation will only cause more unsightly scars and redness.

What is a Blackhead Extractor? It is a special tool designed to remove acne lesions. The tool used for blackhead and whitehead extractions is the same. These tools are also called comedone extractors, and are available for at-home or professional use. A basic extractor looks like an unsharpened pencil. A metal loop is attached at both ends. Extractors may have a small blade or lancet at the end to open comedones that are completely closed. Lancing should be completed by a professional. Scarring may occur with amateur lancing.

To prepare for extractions, cleansing and exfoliation is recommended. Many experts recommend starting by massaging the skin with a warm washcloth and mild cleanser to remove dead skin cells. When dead cells are removed, comedone extractions are easier. Dry the area completely to prevent the tissue from tearing during the procedure.

After gentle pressure is used to extract the blackhead from the skin, experts recommend finishing the procedure with a layer of benzoyl peroxide cream, which is available over-the-counter. Experts recommend using between 2.5% & 5% formulations. Acne-causing bacteria and inflammation are reduced with benzoyl peroxide.

Before using an extractor, identify the type of lesion present on the body. Deep-set lesions such as cysts, nodules or lumps beneath the skin are not good candidates for removal. If these types of lesions are extracted using this tool, scarring or discomfort may occur. Dermatologists are trained to address these types of issues and can recommend an appropriate treatment.

Other types of extractors:

  • Double Spoon Extractor. This method pushes the blackhead out of the affected area. Simply position the tool over the affected area and then, scoop out the contents. After each extraction, extractors should be cleaned to avoid cross contamination.
  • Pore Strips as Extractors. Pore strips are a way to remove blackheads but are considered an extractor rather than an oral or topical treatment. After the skin is moistened, the strip is placed over the affected area. An adhesive holds the strip in place. The strips are primarily for use on the nose, but the strips can be placed on any area of the body. The strip requires five to 10 minutes to dry on the skin. After it is dry, the strip may be pulled away, and the blackheads should be extracted. After each use, the strips should be discarded.
  • Tweezers as Extractors. Tweezers are not ideal extractors and are not recommended for amateurs. Bleeding and scarring can occur if too much pressure is applied. Sterilize the tweezers and sanitized between uses. The arms of the tweezers should be placed directly over the blackhead & squeezed to encourage it to reach the surface. A sterile tissue is used to remove the extracted material from the surface of the body.
  • Blackhead Removal Gun. This plastic gun will act as a vacuum to remove via suction from the skin. The suction tool is powerful and will remove the blackhead without damaging the surrounding tissue. This method might also be used in conjunction with metal extractors and pore strips.

Alternatives to Squeezing Pimples

Drink Plenty of Water. Water is recommended by experts to clear the kidney and liver of toxins. With considerable water consumption, healthy hormone production and skin elasticity maintenance will be promoted. When the body operates normally, excessive sebum production is not a major issue aside from puberty. Water cleanses the body and filters the blood of impurities. The kidneys and perspiration are essential in the toxin elimination process.

Toxins form after food is metabolized & also enter the body through breathing. When toxins linger in the body, they can clog pores, promoting acne in the process. Water should be consumed daily to flush out toxins. Experts recommend drinking eight to 10 normal glasses of water per day. This amount equals approximately 64 to 80 fluid ounces daily. Eight ounces are in a single glass of water.

Many people carry a water bottle throughout the day or use lightly flavored water to aid in this process.

Eat Less Fat and Sugar. A high fat diet increases the skin’s fat content. Extreme changes in dietary fat can increase sebum production. Experts recommend avoiding excess fat to increase the healthy circulation of blood to the skin. This will help to keep the pores clear. Low-glycemic foods prevent insulin surges. Insulin surges lead to inflammation and clogged follicles.

Get More Sleep. There is some truth in the statement, “Make sure you get your beauty sleep.” Getting high quality sleep helps people maintain their cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone known to elevate blood sugar levels. Increased levels could lead to inflammation and increased sebaceous glands. Eight hours of sleep per night are recommended to prevent skin issues.

Manage Stress. Unmanaged stress also increases the production of cortisol and cytokines. Cytokines are inflammatory compounds. Over time, chronic stress will negatively affect the adrenal glands. This could lead to hypothyroidism. This condition stimulates the sebaceous glands. Stress should be managed at all times to keep the complexion clear.

Exercise can help to manage stress levels and keep hormone levels regulated. Thirty minutes of exercise for three to five days of the week will lower stress levels. Yoga and breathing exercises also lowers stress levels.

Take Supplements. Experts recommend supplements and vitamins to help regulate the production of sebum and to keep skin clear. Vitamins help to regulate sebum production and keep the skin clear. Alpha linoleic acid (ALA) is a supplement many people take to reduce harmful inflammation. ALA will also prevent the excess production of sebum. Inflammation is regulated by Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 will also promote skin cell formation.

Try Laser Treatment. Laser treatment is designed to monitor oily skin. Laser treatment modifies the sebaceous gland to make them less active. When the glands only produce enough sebum to keep skin moist, blackheads are less likely to be produced. To be effective, between two and six treatments may be required. Usually, the treatments will be spaced three to four weeks apart. Laser treatments are a highly effective way to control overactive sebaceous glands.

Avoid Dust. Oils cannot escape the pore if the pores are blocked by dust particles or other debris. When people perspire, dust is eliminated from the skin through open pores. Exercising is recommended to open pores and remove dust through perspiration.

Treat Blackheads with Baking Soda and Water. Apply baking soda paste, let the paste dry and wash the affected with lukewarm water. Then wash the skin with ice water to close the pores. This process will produce desired results overtime.

Treat Blackheads with Banana Peel. Bananas are loaded with anti-oxidants to help maintain skin. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties will fight acne. Bananas contain large amounts of iron. This helps to improve the blood’s circulation and also improves hemoglobin production and function.

Tryptophan helps to regulate hormones in the body. This hormone regulates serotonin. Serotonin is not responsible for sebum production, but it can relieve stress which may lower corticosal levels. When people are happy and stress levels are reduced, acne issues are less prevalent.

Potassium is good for regulating and preventing high blood pressure. When blood pressure is low, stress levels remain regulated. Regulation may include the natural water balance of the body and the regular heartbeat.

Fructooligosaccharide stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the colon. Friendly bacteria produce enzymes to fight infections caused by bacteria commonly associated with acne.

To make a banana peel mask follow these instructions:

Blend a banana until creamy. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey to the blender. Blend for 30 seconds. Transfer the mixture to a bowl to prepare for application. Before application, rinse the neck and face with hot water. Apply the mask evenly and leave on the face for 20 minutes until it is completely dry.

Rinse with warm water and then, wipe the face with a warm washcloth. Splash the face with cool water. Then, pat the skin the skin dry. Apply the banana mask two to three times per week for the best results. The mask mixture should be made fresh with each application.

Drink Natural Fruit Smoothies. Fruit can be applied to the face or ingested for to eliminate blackheads. Bananas & any fruits with vitamin C & high in antioxidants are recommended. Orange juice, pineapple juice, strawberries and other fruits are popular smoothie ingredients.

Other ingredients recommended for fruit smoothies:

  • Flaxseed Oil. Flaxseed oil is recommended because it is rich in Omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids nourish the body’s organs. The flavor is mild. Many people simply mix a spoonful into the smoothie. Flaxseed oil can be found in any health foods store.
  • Blueberries. Blueberries have a considerable number of antioxidants present. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals. Free radicals are harmful and are contributing factors in conditions such as cancer. Blueberries are delicious and fight blemishes.
  • Spinach. Though this is not a common smoothie ingredient, spinach combined with other vegetables can help promote the constant production of new cells. Spinach also contains Vitamin A.
  • Include All Ingredients to Create a Stronger Smoothie. Mix two bananas, two tablespoons of flaxseed oil, two cups of orange juice, one cup of blueberries and one cup of spinach. Drink this smoothie once daily.

Commercial Blackhead Remover Strips . Commercial remover strips contain useful ingredients and some potentially harmful ingredients. Many people cannot use commercial strips because of the parabens present in the skin. Glycerin, methylparaben, water and witch hazel extract may also be present in commercial strips.

Witch hazel reduces the appearance of large pores. Tea tree oil and menthol are also commonly found in commercial strips and are effective in removing blackheads because of the anti-bacterial properties present. Menthol has a cooling property and stimulates the skin.

Steam Use a hot washcloth and place on the skin for 15 minutes or more to soften the skin. Then use cleanser and a cotton ball for removal.

Lemon Juice Lemon juice is an effective solution due to the vitamin C present in the juice. Experts recommend applying freshly squeezed lemon juice onto the surrounding area. It will tighten the skin’s pores to help eliminate the problem.

Fresh Tomato Juice Home remedies such as the pulp from a fresh tomato – rich in citric acid – can be used as a mask. Simply crush the tomatoes in the blender and apply the mask to the face for twenty minutes. Wash the mask from the face with warm water. After the mask, blackheads can be extracted. Tomatoes have the same effect as lime or lemon juice. All three citric fruits act as toners.

Fenugreek Herb Crush the leaves of the herb and combine with lemon juice or water to for a paste concoction. Apply the paste directly to the portion of the body affected & leave the concoction in place for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the paste with lukewarm water. Repeat the application daily for the best results.

Honey A thin layer of honey may be applied on the skin for about 10 minutes and then rinsed with warm water. The honey will act as a natural peel and remove blackheads. Honey also enhances the skin’s condition.

Epsom Salts Epsom salts should be mixed with lukewarm water and iodine. The mixture can be applied to the skin with a cotton ball to loosen the pores. Rinse the mixture from the face afterwards & use a facial scrub with green tea extract to quickly eliminate blackheads.

Hormonal Treatments Hormones such as cortisol are responsible for sebum production. Excess sebum production occurs during teenage years when hormones begin to change the body. During menopause, estrogen levels decrease and testosterone levels increase in the body. The sebaceous glands produce thicker oils and may promote blackhead formation on the shoulders, arms, face, back and chest.

Spearmint tea can normalize hormonal levels. Specifically, spearmint tea can lower androgen levels. Birth control pills can also be used to alter the production of androgen and balance all hormonal levels. Acne manifestations can be managed better once the hormonal balance has been identified.

Acne can be caused by overactive oil-producing glands, bacteria overgrowth, inflammation and pores clogged due to an excess of oil. Oral contraceptives only address overactive oil-producing glands. Androgens stimulate sebaceous glands and the glands produce oil. Oral contraceptives contain progestin and estrogen to counteract the production of androgens. Glands then produce less oil and issues are less likely to appear.

Orthro Tri-Cyclen and Yaz are two birth control pills known for fighting acne. Both birth control pills have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Patients should inquire with their dermatologist or gynecologist to determine the best pill for treating hormonal acne issues.

Oral medication can assist with androgen regulation also. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that can suppress androgen production. Other anti-androgens include: Flutamide and spironolactone. Both of these anti-androgens block the androgen secretion in sebaceous follicles. The anti-androgen also eliminates Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. This is an acne pathogen.

Diet can also affect hormonal changes. Spicy products and foods with hydrogenated oils could contain high amounts of sugars. When insulin levels rise, skin inflammation can occur. People should avoid foods that will produce stress hormones to keep levels regulated. Foods rich in minerals, essential fatty acids and fibers should be included in the diet to reduce acne.

Hormonal acne should also be treated topically. A mild cleanser, clarifying gel and exfoliate may be used to eliminate excess oils, bacteria and dead cells. Benzoyl peroxide is common for reducing bacteria. Retinoids are also common for treating hormonal acne.

Tea Tree Oil Experts recommend leveraging tea tree oil’s anti-bacterial properties to eliminate blackheads. Combine one drop of tea tree oil with salt, water and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Let the mixture dry on the face for an hour. Rinse the face with warm water and pat the face dry.

Neem Oil Neem oil is also effective in eliminating blackheads on the skin. The oil can be applied directly to blackheads. Only a few drops of this anti-bacterial oil are required to eliminate blackheads. Neem oil is also effective for cleaning teeth, healing gums, disinfecting surfaces, soothing sunburns, healing fungal infections and repelling mosquitoes. Eastern Indians chew on neem twigs to clean their teeth.

Crushed Sesame Seeds Use milk of magnesia, lemon juice, egg white, ground sage and citrus peel to dry up sebaceous glands. A salt and water paste may be also added to this mixture for the best results.

Dermatologist Recommended Medications Adapalene is often offered to blackhead sufferers under the brand name of Differin. This medication is a topical retinoid and is used to treat mild to moderate acne. Three strengths are available: 0.1 percent, 0.1 percent and 0.3 percent. Adapalene is also available under the generic name of Teva. This generic brand is only available in a 0.1 percent gel.

Other dermatologist recommended medications also include:

  • Salicylic Acid. Salicylic acid is often recommended for mild blackheads. The keratolytic substance can be purchased over-the-counter & can break down keratin commonly found in sebum. When salicylic acid breaks down keratin, the follicle is cleared. Salicylic acid is cost effective and easy to use. Simply apply with a cotton ball after cleaning the face with a mild cleanser.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is recommended and prescribed by a dermatologist. Benzoyl peroxide removes dead skin cells from follicles. This medication also helps to reduce blackhead formation. Benzoyl peroxide eliminates acne-causing bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria is known for promoting blackhead formation and is also known for promoting formation of serious cases of acne such as cysts, nodules and pustules.
  • Retinoids. A dermatologist may also recommend a topical retinoid which consist of tretinoin, tazarotene and adapalene. There are some side effects associated with using retinoids. For instance, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.
  • Erythromycin. Erythromycin is considered to be a macrolide antibiotic. Bacterial infections are treated with this antibiotic. This antibiotic may also be used for other purposes but not for flu, colds or viral infections. People with diabetes, myasthenia gravis, liver disease or who are pregnant should not use erythromycin.
  • Retin-A Gel. Retin-A gel is a synthetic form of vitamin A. Tretinoin aids in cell turnover and reduces the tendency of skin cells to bond together. Blackhead function is reduced and acne issues heal faster.
  • Accutane. Accutane is an oral medication recommended for patients who have severe acne problems which have not responded to antibiotics. Accutane is a synthetic form of vitamin A. Accutane reduces the production of sebum. Reduced sebum production reduces the formation of blackheads. Recently, this drug has been under investigation for potentially harmful side effects. Be sure to inquire with a physician prior to taking Accutane.
  • Extraction. Dermatologists may extract blackheads from the face using special extractors. Dermatologists may combine extractions and chemical peels to clear the face faster and make the process easier. Hydroxy acids are commonly used for chemical peels. The outer layer of dead skin is removed with the chemical peel. New cells are revealed, and a more youthful appearance emerges.
  • Use UV Exposure to Eliminate Blackheads. Some people recommend exposing the skin to UV light to unblock pores. When skin peels, the pores are unblocked. Many people use sunbeds or regular sunbathing to facilitate this process. This type of exposure can be dangerous. If the skin burns, skin cancer may develop. Discuss this treatment with a physician to learn how to use UV exposure properly and effectively.

Myths and Truths about Removing Blackheads

Scrubbing Excessively Removes Them. Exfoliation does prevent dead skin cells from clogging pores, but excessive scrubbing causes more sebum to be produced and irritates the skin. Other methods are more effective.

Important Blackhead Fighting Nutrients

Healthy diets prevent acne. To fight acne, people must not only know what foods to consume, but they must also know which nutrients are essential in the process. Promotion of an overall healthy lifestyle with exercise and a healthy diet will improve the skin’s condition.

Essential nutrients and benefits include:

  • Vitamin A. The condition of your skin is affected by Vitamin A production. Liver functions are also affected by Vitamin A production. A deficiency could lead to improper balances in both the liver and skin and result in the production of blackheads. Everyone should consume the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A to boost the immune system. When hormones are balanced and toxins are removed properly, the skin glows and remains free of blemishes.
  • Vitamin B. Cell regeneration is necessary for healthy and youthful skin. When cells do not regenerate properly or the central nervous system is affected, blackhead formation is more common. The formations occur because hormones are imbalanced. Vitamin B supplements are recommended to promote healthy skin free of blemishes.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to the development of the skin’s collagen production, healing and maintaining the immune system. Vitamin C is effective when ingested or when applied topically. Fruit smoothies full of citrus fruits will clear the skin or a vitamin C paste will heal a blackhead. Health food stores carry concentrated vitamin C drops for people who would prefer not to use natural sources.
  • Vitamin D. Many people tan to receive promote vitamin D production, but Vitamin D can also be taken in supplement form. Vitamin D can help reduce blackhead formation.
  • Vitamin E. Vitamin E promotes the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin E also aids in prevention of free radicals and acne. People who consume the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin E have fewer breakouts. Topical Vitamin E is also an effective treatment.

Remove Toxins with Nutrients

Toxins must be removed from the body to promote healthy skin. Vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and minerals are an essential part of this process. With a regimen that includes these elements, skin will be improved and blackhead production will be reduced. Healthy diets contain the essential elements to remove toxins from the body, reduce hormonal imbalances and promote a strong immune system. Diet is the foundation of healthy skin.


Hickey Removal

Many people who have received an unwanted hickey seek to remove the mark once it is discovered. Though the best way to “remove” one is to never allow anyone to place the mark on your body in the first place, there are a few strategies that will lessen healing time, break up the clotted blood under the skin and even cover the mark to conceal it from the view of others.

What Exactly is a Hickey?

The word “hickey” is actually a slang word that describes a bruise or abrasion created on the skin from suction applied to the surface area of the skin by the human mouth. Bite marks may also cause one. They may also be called a love bite, slag tag or a kiss mark. These marks often represents possession of one person by another, and quite often, it indicates that the recipient has been engaged in some sensual behavior. When one person applies a hickey to the neck, shoulder, arm or other area of another person’s body, they are often attempting to convey to the world that they have possession over the person. Such markings also may represent sexual foreplay and sexual activity. Sometimes, they may be inadvertently caused in the heat of passion. However, in most cases, creating such a mark requires deliberate action on the part of the giver.

A hickey is really just a simple bruise on the surface of the skin that is created by sucking on the skin. The negative force of the sucking action creates a mark in the shape of the mouth. Bruises may be purplish, pink or blue in appearance, depending on how the recipient’s skin reacts to bruising. The shape of the bruise will depend on the shape of the mouth of the person who created the mark. The intensity of the color is the result of the amount of negative pressure put on the skin. The more suction that is applied, the deeper the color of the mark. The deeper the color of the mark, the longer the healing time, in most cases. Hickeys may swell on and around the bruised area, causing a puffy appearance. Over time, they fade to a brown or tan color, and then eventually disappear.
Pictures of Hickeys on a Girl's Neck, by Janek B.

The Anatomy of a Hickey

Three layers of tissue surround the organs and bones of the human body. The first layer, the top layer of skin that is exposed to external elements, is called the “epidermis.” Under the epidermis is the second layer, the “dermis.” The third layer is the “subcutaneous” layer. These three layers combined compose the organ known as human skin. The skin is the largest organ of the human body.

The Epidermis

The epidermis consists of three sub-layers: The Stratum Corneum, the Kerotinocytes Layer, and the Basal Layer. These three layers cover and protect the dermis, as well as generate new skin cells and shed old cells. These layers also include melanin cells, which provide skin color and pigment. When someone gets a mild sunburn, it is the epidermis that is affected. The epidermis actively protects the second and third skin layers from damage.

The Dermis

The dermis is perhaps the most active layer of the skin. The dermis is the layer that contains sweat glands, blood vessels, lymph vessels and sensory receptors. The dermis is perhaps the most “active” layer of the skin.

The Subcutaneous Layer

The subcutaneous layer of the skin contains fat which allows the body to retain body heat. The fat in the subcutaneous layer also cushions and protects vital organs from the external elements.

Another name for a hickey is a subcutaneous hematoma. Like bruises, they will heal when the blood under the skin dissipates and is absorbed back into the body. Healing time is greatly determined by genetics and the condition of the skin.

Another factor that affects healing and will cause some people to heal faster than others is good nutrition. If a person eats right, and consumes healthy foods, the body will heal from injuries quicker than if the body is not getting the nutrients it needs.

Finally, getting enough sleep is another factor that will influence healing. Natural healing occurs when the body is at rest. Make sure to get plenty of sleep if healing from an injury.

The Hickey’s Effect on the Skin

A hickey is created when tiny blood vessels, or “capillaries,” in the dermis are ruptured by suction force applied to the epidermis. To “rupture” is simply another way to say “to break.” When the capillaries are broken, blood flows into the space between the epidermis and the dermis, termed the interstitial space. This escaped blood is the substance that provides the color, which forms in the shape of the applicant’s mouth.

The negative pounds-per-square-inch of pressure that is applied to the top layer of the skin determines how much blood is released into the interstitial space, and how dark the coloration will be as a result. The more pressure that is applied, the darker it will be. Generally, the darker the mark, the more healing time will be required in order for the mark to completely disappear.

Bruises are also the result of blood flowing into the interstitial space between layers of the skin. Hickeys are similar to other bruises in this respect.

How is a Hickey Created?

Man Kissing a Girl's Neck.
When an individual sucks on the skin, pulls the skin into the mouth & applying negative suction pressure for about 30 or more seconds a mark often appears. Discoloration of the skin occurs when the small blood vessels just under the skin, in the layer known as the “dermis,” are broken from the suction applied to the surface of the skin.

Marks may last from five up to 12 or more days. The recipient’s genetic makeup, skin color and their ability to heal determines how long it will remain visible on the skin. While they do not cause permanent damage to the skin, they may be visible for an extended period of time.

Are Hickeys Good or Bad?

They are not inherently good or bad. There is usually very little health risk involved in getting one. However, people with certain medical conditions may be advised not to create any instance of bleeding, such as those who suffer from hemophilia. Determining whether a hickey is a good thing or a bad thing really depends on the beliefs and feelings of the recipient. If the person receiving it views the mark as a positive, then that’s a good thing for them. However, many people do not want to have “love bites” on their bodies to be seen by others. Before giving one, first make sure the person receiving it wants such a mark on their body. Giving someone a mark against their will is akin to sexual harassment or sexual abuse. Just like you would not walk up to someone and randomly smack them to cause a bruise, you should not apply a hickey to another person without first gaining their consent. If the recipient is amenable, then consider that the mark should perhaps be in a location on the body that is easily concealed.

Some people may openly display marks they receive from their partners with pride. Depending on the circles of people that the individual interacts with, such markings may be considered acceptable and even desirable. However, not everyone views them as a good thing. Most people would not attend a job interview or an important meeting with a visible hickey, as they are not accepted in the corporate environment. Make sure to always cover or conceal the mark if there is any possibility it may be seen by anyone in a business setting.

Parents of teens & teachers are likely to take a dim view of hickeys, as they may indicate that the individual is sexually active. Marks may also represent sexual promiscuity and others may think that a hickey that is visible for all to see is an indication that the person sporting the mark is “trashy.” Just like a person would not go to court hung over with a black eye from a bar fight, most people probably would not want to attend a church service with a visible hickey for all to see. On the other hand, among certain peer groups, they may be seen as a badge of honor. Acceptability is really determined by the people around the recipient, as well as the recipient themselves.

Are Hickeys Harmful to the Body?

Common belief has always stated that hickeys are no more harmful to the body than a standard bruise. The area around the discolored skin may be tender and sore due to the broken blood vessels just under the skin. Discolored areas may be bruised, but may also have slight abrasions on the surface of the skin, as well. These minor injuries are typically believed to be the extent of the harm done.

However, this common notion that hickeys are not harmful was challenged in 2010, when a New Zealand woman, 44 years old, suffered partial paralysis as the result of a stroke. The stroke was caused by a hickey that was given to the woman on top of a major artery. Due to later trauma to the affected area, a small blood clot was formed and the clot later dislodged from the affected area, and then traveled through her heart and on to the brain, causing the stroke. Though this occurrence was an anomaly, this event challenged the widely-held belief they’re completely harmless. A similar incident happened to a Mexico City teen in August of 2016, though the stroke was more severe & killed him.

The bottom line is that, even if it is not located on or near a major artery or blood vessel, hickeys do cause temporary damage to the skin, and definitely bruise and cause minor trauma to the area on the skin. However, in most cases, the skin heals and the mark will disappear in its own in time. As a rule, they typically do not cause any permanent or lasting damage to the skin or epidermis.

Do Hickeys Cause Cancer?

A rumor is spreading around the Internet, and gaining some momentum, especially among teens. The rumor suggests that hickeys may contribute to or cause cancer. There is no medical or physiological evidence to back this claim. They do not cause cancer & are simply broken blood vessels that discolor the skin. Cancer is caused due to genetic mutations within the body.

Though genetic mutations are a daily occurrence in the human body, the human immune system generally fights off the effects of these mutations and, most of the time, the mutations do not materialize into cancer. However, when the immune system does not fight off the mutation, cancer may develop. If left untreated, cancer may spread to various organs within the body. There is no evidence they contribute to or cause the development or spread of cancer. Though some well-meaning adults may claim cancer risk to discourage children from giving them to one another, the facts are clear that cancer is not caused by the bruising of or abrasions to the skin.

Additional Facts About Hickeys

A few additional interesting facts:

  • Hickeys will be more prominent and will last longer on women than on men. This is because women tend to bruise more easily than men. Also, marks on the thighs, buttocks and upper arms will tend to last longer on women than on men.
  • They will last longer and heal more slowly when on older people than on those individuals who are younger. Older individuals’ skin is thinner, exhibits less elasticity, and is less flexible than the skin of their younger counterparts. The subcutaneous tissue in older people tends to hold less fat than those who are younger. These factors combine, which allows blood vessels to burst more easily, and marks to last longer on those who are more advanced in years.
  • Most will completely heal and disappear from view within two or three weeks. However, some skin types and certain medical issues may cause the effects of bruising to last longer on some individuals.
  • Marks located in the upper portion of the body tend to heal more quickly than those on the lower body or lower extremities.

Strategies to Hide Marks

Covering Them

Treating a hickey is similar to treating a simple bruise. There are several methods for treating the affected area on and around the mark. However, many people choose to simply hide it until the area heals.

A turtleneck, a scarf or another strategically placed piece of clothing can be effective measures to cover marks. Sometimes, a shirt, blouse or jacket with the collar turned upward will hide the affected area. However, during summer and when engaging in certain activities, clothing may not be an appropriate or desirable way to cover. For example, wearing a turtleneck in the summer will surely arouse suspicion and make observers wonder what the wearer is attempting to hide. Luckily, there are less obvious strategies.

Make-up that is specially formulated to cover scars and skin lesions can be exceptionally effective. Brands of cover creams, concealers and foundations, such as “Dermablend,” will cover while the recipient waits for the area to heal. Dermablend and other such cover make-up is a bit pricey, but if coverage is important, the price is well worth it.

Stage make-up, otherwise known as theater make-up, that is the color closest to the natural color of the skin surrounding the affected area, is also an option for covering marks. Stage make-up tends to be dense and provides effective coverage for blemishes and bruises. Stage make-up tends to be fairly costly. However, again if the recipient absolutely needs to cover the area, the make-up is worth the cost and is very effective for covering unwanted marks and spots.

Make Sure You Use The Correct Complimentary Color

Certain brands and types of concealer may cover more effectively than others. For example, some concealers with a greenish tint are available. These greenish concealers are effective for covering the redness of hickeys. If the bruise is more purple or blue in color, use a concealer with a yellowish tint. Tinted concealers are very effective in covering the redness or purplish/bluish skin color. However, just like other forms of make-up, concealers wear off, rub off and disappear over the course of a day. If you use concealer or other make-up to cover the mark, make sure you have the concealer or other make-up with you throughout the day to reapply as needed.

When using a foundation as cover, select a shade lighter than you would use for your face if the mark is located on the neck. Skin on the neck is usually a lighter color and tone than facial skin as skin on the neck is somewhat shielded from the sun.

Other cover creams, cover sticks, concealers and foundations, such as those purchased at department stores or drug stores, may temporarily cover effectively in dim light at night. However, professional cover make-up is usually more effective and lasts longer than standard foundations and cover creams or concealer sticks.

Certain powders may be used as well. Mineral powder will lessen the appearance of reddish or purplish bruising. Powders combined with foundation, concealer or cover cream will camouflage the mark for a time. The moisture of the foundation or concealer provides a base and the powder will adhere better to the skin. However, the coverage of powders do not last for long. For a short-term solution, though, powders applied over a base of foundation or concealer will cover the mark from sight. Use loose powder and apply the powder with a powder brush for best results.

Depending on where it is located on the body, a band-aid may be used to cover the mark. Covering with a band-aid is particularly convenient for men, as they may use the excuse that they cut themselves while shaving.

While covering is only a temporary way to deal with visible marks, if coverage is only needed for a short duration around certain people then it may not be hard to conceal or cover the mark until it has healed. However, some people desire to remove them as quickly as possible. Certain topical treatments, as well as vitamins and other methods, are commonly used to hasten the healing of bruises.

Hickey Removal and Treatments

Cold Pack Treatment

One way to remove a hickey is to apply a cold pack to the affected area as soon as possible. A cold pack may be created using some ice cubes, a plastic bag and a hand towel. If a cold pack is applied to the affected area immediately, the cold pack will lessen the discoloration, reduce any swelling and speed the healing process for the affected area.

  • Step 1: Place several ice cubes in a plastic sandwich bag and seal the bag. This will keep the moisture from getting on your skin and clothing as the ice melts.
  • Step 2: Wrap the bag of ice cubes in a hand towel to create a cold pack.
  • Step 3: Place the cold pack and hold the pack in place for at least 30 minutes. The cold pack will slow the broken blood vessels from spilling the blood into the interstitial area between the skin layers. This will lessen discoloration of the skin and reduce any swelling that may have occurred due to the trauma to the skin.

Pressure Treatment

Immediately after receiving a hickey, the recipient may try applying direct pressure on the affected area. This treatment is believed to lessen the bleeding from the capillaries into the interstitial area and reduce swelling of the affected area. This method used in combination with the Cold Pack Treatment will get the best results if performed immediately. However, if a day has passed, try one of the other methods instead.

Cold Pack Plus Pressure Treatment

Using the Cold Pack Treatment and applying pressure to the affected area immediately after the mark is noticed will dissipate the appearance of the hickey. However, these treatments will only work if it is treated shortly after receiving the mark.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E Treatments

Certain vitamins will hasten the healing process for skin injuries. Taking Vitamin C helps the body generate cells rapidly, which in turn speeds the healing process. Take a Vitamin C supplement at least once per day to heal the affected area. Make sure to check with your doctor regarding the dosage of the vitamin that is safe for you to consume.

In addition to Vitamin C, Vitamin E improves skin health and hastens healing of the skin. Vitamin E also enhances the skin’s elasticity and will decrease it’s healing time. Again, be sure to check with your doctor to find a safe dosage of the vitamin for the purposes of healing the skin.

Vitamin E oil may also be applied directly to the affected area to decrease healing time. Vitamin E capsules contain Vitamin E oil. Simply puncture the capsule and squirt the oil directly on the impacted area. Rub the oil into the skin on and around the affected area. Repeat this procedure about three times per day to treat the affected skin.

Combine these vitamin treatments by taking Vitamin C and Vitamin E internally, and then apply Vitamin E oil directly to the affected area.

Aloe Vera Treatment

The aloe plant contains a substance that hastens the healing process for skin wounds. Aloe Vera is available in many forms, from Aloe Vera gel to Aloe Vera skin lotions. Additionally, the aloe plant contains the pure aloe liquid that may be applied directly to the skin.

Apply an Aloe Vera gel, lotion or liquid from the plant directly to the affected area. Aloe is a succulent dessert plant that is known for its healing properties. Native Americans have used the aloe plant for centuries to treat skin wounds. For example, aloe is often used to treat sunburn and other burns. Aloe will hasten the healing process for the hickey and make any abrasions disappear in a much quicker time than if left to heal without any treatment. Apply an aloe solution to the affected area every two to three hours for best results.

Combined Vitamin, Aloe and Cold Pack Treatment

Prompt treatment with a cold pack, combined with aloe treatments and taking Vitamin C and Vitamin E will enhance healing to remove the mark from the skin in a faster time than if the area is left untreated. Remember that the Cold Pack Treatment works best when applied to the affected area immediately or shortly after the recipient has received the mark.

Cold Spoon Treatment

The Cold Spoon Treatment requires using a cold spoon to massage the affected area to stop the blood vessels from bleeding and decrease swelling on the affected area. The Cold Spoon Treatment is believed to force the blood out of the interstitial space between the layers of the skin, lessening the redness and coloration. Though the affected area may remain red, the mark should be much less obvious after the Cold Spoon Treatment is used. Note that when the cold spoon is applied to the skin with pressure, the affected area may become a bit sore and maybe a bit raw, but the surface appearance should be significantly minimized using this method.

If the Cold Spoon Treatment is applied promptly, this method should work to reduce the appearance to a simple, red spot on the skin. This treatment should only take about 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Step 1: Place a metal spoon in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes – long enough to make the spoon very cold to the touch.
  • Step 2: Rub the rounded back of the spoon against the hickey, massaging the skin, until the spoon is warmed to room temperature. Press the spoon and apply a twisting motion on top of the affected area.
  • Step 3: Repeat chilling the spoon and massaging the skin with the cold spoon. Repeat the process until the swelling and redness begins to disappear from the affected area.

The Warm Compress Treatment

If the recipient of the mark notices the mark only after it has been in place for more than a day or so, the Cold Pack treatment will no longer be affective. In this case, applying a warm compress to the affected area will increase blood flow and make the area heal faster.

  • Step 1: Soak a hand towel in very warm water.
  • Step 2: Fold the towel several times until the towel may be easily held against the affected area.
  • Step 3: Hold the moist, warm towel on the affected area until the temperature of the towel has changed to room or body temperature.
  • Step 4: Remove the towel and gently massage the affected area with your fingers. Be careful not to pinch the affected area, causing more bruising. The point of the massage is to gently dissipate the blood that is collected under the skin.
  • Step 5: Re-wet the towel with very warm water and reapply the wet, folded towel to the affected area.
  • Step 6: Repeat the application of the warm compress, alternating with the finger massage, several times. The circulation of the blood in the affected area will hasten the healing process.

The Coin Treatment

The Coin Treatment is believed to be a method of forcing the blood in the interstitial area out of the space between the layers of the skin, back under the dermis, and fading the discoloring effect of hickeys. Forcing the blood out of the interstitial area will lessen swelling, as well. The Coin Treatment may be a bit painful, but many people swear by this method. The edge of the coin is used to lightly scrape the skin and force the blood out of the area between the skin layers. When the blood is dissipated, the coloration is lessened and the appearance of the mark fades. Make sure to apply pressure to the edge of the coin while scraping. The Coin Treatment may be a bit painful and scraping the skin may cause some rawness and abrasion to the area.

  • Step 1: Spread the affected area of the skin between two fingers to stretch the skin.
  • Step 2: Hold a coin, such as a quarter, in the other hand.
  • Step 3: Scrape the edge of the coin in one direction over the affected area. Apply pressure during the scraping motion.
  • Step 4: Repeat several times, scraping the edge of the coin over the skin. Remember to stretch the skin so the blood in the interstitial area is forced back under the dermis layer of the skin.

Lip Balm Tube Treatment

A tube of lip balm, lipstick or another small, tubular object may be used to roll over the impacted area to dissipate the blood that has gathered under the skin. Rolling the tube over the affected area dissipates the blood trapped under the skin and lessens the visibility of the marking. Roll the tube over the affected area while applying pressure. Continue rolling the tube repeatedly until the color of the area begins to dissipate.

  • Step 1: Roll the lip balm tube back and forth over the affected area.
  • Step 2: Repeat the rolling motion several times until the color fades.

Toothbrush Treatment

Using a toothbrush, rub in a circular motion with moderate pressure. This method will lighten the hickey and dissipate the blood under the skin. Make sure to use a soft toothbrush so that the skin is not further irritated by the toothbrush.

Warm Tea Bag Treatment

The Warm Tea Bag Treatment works in much the same way as the Warm Compress Treatment. Apply a tea bag soaked in warm water to the skin. The warmth will stimulate blood flow and will fade the appearance of the mark.

Rubbing Alcohol and Aloe Treatment

Rubbing alcohol applied to the affected area is believed to lessen the appearance of bruises. Because hickeys are a type of bruise, applying rubbing alcohol to the affected area will lessen the coloration and reduce swelling. Because rubbing alcohol dries the skin, apply an aloe gel or lotion to the area after the application of the rubbing alcohol.

Witch Hazel Treatment

Witch Hazel is another rubbing compound that is believed to lessen the appearance of bruises, and therefore should lessen the appearance of hickeys, as well. Apply Witch Hazel to a cotton ball, and then rub the liquid into the skin around and over the affected area. Repeat the treatment every 2 to 3 hours.

Vitamin K Treatment

Rubbing a Vitamin K lotion or cream over and around the affected area is believed to assist in the removal of hickeys. Vitamin K breaks down blood so that the particles are easily absorbed by the body. Vitamin K is also used in the treatment of skin burns and sunburn. Apply Vitamin K directly to the skin and repeat the treatment every two to three hours throughout the day for best results.

Vitamin K supplements may also be taken internally. Vitamin K is often taken to prevent bruising. As a fat-soluble supplement, Vitamin K actually enhances blood-clotting when taken internally. However, many believe that Vitamin K reduces healing time for bruises.

Combination of Vitamin K, Warm Tea Bags and Aloe Treatment

Rubbing Vitamin K over the affected area and then treating the bruise with a warm tea bag will enhance the effects of both treatments. Use aloe to add moisture to the skin and promote healing. Using these three methods in combination will increase the chances of quick healing.

Eye Drop Treatment

Because eye drops shrink the capillaries to reduce redness in the eye, many believe that eye drops work in much the same way for the treatment of hickeys. When eye drops are applied to the skin, the drops shrink the capillaries and reduce bleeding into the interstitial area. Wet a cotton ball with a few drops of the eye drop liquid and rub in a circular motion. Repeat every 2 to 3 hours.

Excedrin Treatment

Excedrin is a pain reliever available in tablet form. Excedrin contains aspirin and acetaminophen. Both aspirin and acetaminophen reduce swelling, increase blood flow, reduce blood clotting and will even relieve pain, if the hickey is painful. Take one or two Excedrin tablets to minimize the effects of the bruise and decrease healing time. However, wait 24 hours after getting the mark to take the tablets. Make sure to apply the Cold Pack Treatment during the first 24 hours, if possible.

Elastic Wrap Treatment

If possible, wrap the affected area in an elastic wrap. Elastic wraps are those cloth wraps that are often used to treat a sprained ankle or twisted wrist. Wrapping the affected area will apply mild pressure, reducing swelling and dissipating the discoloration of the skin.

If it is located on the neck, do not use the elastic wrap treatment. Wrapping an elastic wrap around the neck is not safe, and should never been done for any reason. However, if the mark is located on the arm or leg, wrapping the affected area in an elastic wrap may lessen the healing time.

Comfrey Treatment

Comfrey is an herbal remedy that has been around for centuries. Do not take comfrey internally, or apply the herb to an open wound. However, comfrey is used to treat minor cuts, as well as bruises.

Comfrey is available in oils and creams, which may be applied to the skin. Comfrey is also available in raw form as leaves. Rub comfrey oil or cream onto the skin to decrease healing time, or create a “poultice,” which is a paste, and then apply the paste to the skin.

  • Step 1: Crushing several comfrey leaves in a container of hot water to create a paste.
  • Step 2: Spread the poultice, or paste, over a warm, wet wash cloth.
  • Step 3: Hold the wash cloth with the poultice on top of the affected area and apply mild pressure.
  • Step 4: Repeat the comfrey treatment three or four times per day.

Calendula Treatment

Calendula is an herbal remedy that is available in tincture or cream form. Calendula is a natural antiseptic and is believed to contain other healing properties. Rub calendula cream or tincture over the affected area three or four times per day until healed.

Arnica Treatment

Arnica, another herbal solution, is used to reduce swelling and treat bruises. Arnica is also used to sooth sore muscles and lessen the effects of bruising. Rub the arnica herb, or a cream or oil containing arnica, several times per day over the affected area to decrease healing time.

Vinegar Treatment

Vinegar is a home remedy that is known for alleviating bruising. Pour a small amount of vinegar onto a warm compress, such as a warm, wet wash cloth. Apply the warm compress with the vinegar to the affected area. Though the vinegar may contain a pungent odor, vinegar is believed to decrease healing time for bruises.

Cabbage Treatment

Cabbage is known to have healing properties, such as agents that act as anti-inflammatories. Heat cabbage leaves in warm water to release the anti-inflammatories, and then apply the warm leaves to the skin. The cabbage leaves will decrease swelling and inflammation in the affected area.

Battery Treatment

Another method believed to dissipate the blood under the skin where the mark is located is to rub a standard C or D battery over the affected area. Use the negative end of the battery and rub the area in a circular motion.

Other Suggestions for Quick Healing

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and be sure to consume a sufficient amount of protein when attempting to quickly heal from bruises or other injuries. Eating a healthy diet supplies the body with the nutrients it needs to quickly and effectively heal.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Make sure to sleep a full seven or eight hours per night to allow the body time to heal. The body heals while sleeping, so make sure to get enough rest each night to shorten the healing time for injuries to the body.
  • Keep the affected area elevated. If possible, keep it higher than the rest of the body.

Ineffective Remedies for Hickey Removal

Due to easy access to the Internet & old wife’s tails many ineffective remedies have circulated. These methods are simply misinformation, and they do not work to enhance healing or to remove the mark in any way.

Deodorant or Anti-Perspirant

One rumor that has circulated the Internet is that applying deodorant or antiperspirant, and leaving the application on overnight, will make the mark disappear. This is simply not true. There is no evidence that any of the chemicals or natural substances in deodorants or antiperspirants lessen healing time for bruises. This method certainly will not hide or remove the mark.


Another rumor is that applying toothpaste to the affected area will make the mark disappear. Again, there is no substance in toothpaste that decreases swelling, shrinks capillaries, or dissipates blood under the skin. Though mint-flavored toothpastes may make the skin feel like medicine has been applied, toothpaste does nothing to treat a bruise.

Comb Treatments

Some people advise “combing” over the affected area using a standard comb for the hair. The logic behind this ineffective method is that the comb will force the blood out of the interstitial area and back under the dermis. This method is not effective and may even make the affected area more raw and irritated.

Sunburning the Hickey

Some people believe that staying in the sun long enough to cause a sunburn is a treatment for a hickey. Not only is this treatment ineffective, sunburns contribute to the development of skin cancers. Avoid getting a sunburn, and certainly to not attempt to get a sunburn on purpose. Always wear sunscreen when out in the sun.

For most people, marks are more of an annoyance than a health threat or risk. The best way to avoid dealing with the removal, coverage or treatment is to not allow anyone to apply one in the first place. Let your partner know bruises are unwanted and you will not accept the application of marks of any kind on your body.