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Oleocanthal is nature’s ingredient for pain relief. The reaction is similar to ibuprofen, with additional health benefits as well. Oleocanthal comes from extra-virgin olive oil. No other oil, from any source contains the anti-inflammatory drug.

Oleocantahal is widely believed to help or control many diseases. One of the latest discoveries is oleocanthal’s ability to stop, or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. The substance is one of the reasons so many Mediterranean people who exist on a diet containing large amounts of extra-virgin olive oil have fewer problems with heart disease, cancer, stroke, or dementia.

How it Works

Oleocantahal works by changing the existing structure of protein in the body. This prevents protein from damaging the cells in the brain, heart, lungs, or other major organs. The protein, also known as ADDLs are a toxic division of normal body protein.
Oleocanthal Benefits
These have a devastating effect on older individuals and are a leading cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The ADDLs adhere to synapses in the brain and close them off. Oleocantahal alters the protein enough that it cannot bind to the synapse, thereby crippling its effect on the patient and stopping the advance of the disease.

Another theory on the way the enzymes in Olive Oil work to prevent disease and stop the onset of devastating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease is by singling out the ADDLs they make them easier targets for the body’s own natural anti-body defense.

Oleocanthal contains the same properties as other NSAIDS such as ibuprofen. The enzymes COX-1 AND COX-2 create an anti-inflammatory effect and are non-steroid in nature.


Like many of its medicinal counterparts, oleocanthal was a scientific stumble upon drug. A researcher who participated in many ibuprofen experiments recognized a familiar ‘sting’ in the back of his throat when swallowing premium olive oil. That sting became part of the drug’s name: oleo=olive, canth=sting, al=aldehyde). Many tests followed to make sure the properties came from the oil itself and the particular ingredient in the oil before proclaiming the healing properties of the extract.


Oleocanthal comes from the purest form of olive oil—extra virgin olive oil. That oil comes from olive juice and is a mainstay in most Mediterranean diets.

Remember that only extra virgin olive oil contains oleocanthal. Other oils and even other olive oils do not. Regardless of what they are called, other olive oils go through some form of refining process that destroys the oleocanthal compound. Extra virgin olive oil is squeezed directly from the olive where other olive oils (pure, light, or otherwise labeled oil) are refined through a distillery. Pomace oil is another commercial form of olive oil, and the cheapest. It is made from the discards extracted from oil refinement.

Tasting It

The best way to tell if the EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) you have has a high level of olencanthal in it is by taste. It is not yet listed in the breakdown of daily dietary percentages on food labels yet. Experts still haven’t figured out the best way to relate that information, and it doesn’t exist in any other food on the planet so it is hard to incorporate into a template of use for all foods.

The “bite” of peppery sensation on the back of your throat is a key indication of strength. The stronger, sharper, and more tangy that feeling is, the higher the level of olencanthal in the oil. That “sting” is what triggered the investigation of olive oil’s similarities to ibuprofen in the first place.

The stronger EVOOs often have a label that reads “robust” while others have “mild” on the label. The robust oil is the one with the higher levels of oleocanthal in it. It is true that EVOO made from younger plants have a higher level of oleocanthal and are more bitter, and sharp.


The properties in extra virgin olive oil, or the derivative oleocanthal, is known to prevent heart disease, calcium buildup in arteries, and veins, and is the target of many studies for other cardiovascular disease therapies. It has strong indications as a therapeutic measure against degenerative joint disease due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The effects of many diseases associated with inflammation such as asthma’s inflammation of the lungs are reduced with regular consumption of olencanthal.


Another pleasing property of oleocanthal is the decreased dosage for equal effectiveness. It only takes about 10% of the dose for ibuprofen to achieve the same results. For an adult that would be approximately 50 grams, or 3 tablespoons of olive oil per day. There are no indications specifically for a child’s dose. Typical daily consumption in a normal, healthy diet is sufficient for the buildup of benefits. If a child develops illnesses normally treated with ibuprofen or other anti-imflammatory drugs, seek the advice of a physician before attempting to medicate using oleocanthal or any other herbal remedy.
What is Oleocanthal
Olencanthal is elusive and somewhat difficult to process since most distillation methods or extraction methods destroy the compound. For that reason, the best way to consume olencanthal is still by naturally assimilating it through its source, extra virgin olive oil.

Liquid Capsules

There are, however, liquid capsules containing extra virgin olive oil so that you can take your daily requirements of oleocanthal without actually putting oil in your diet. Beware that since the only way to create the capsules is to use the full oil source since the oleocanthal is not removable as yet, you may still be subject to the calorie increases of the full serving of oil.

Some of the capsules advertising extra virgin olive oil are really extracts of several oils, and claim oleic acid as an ingredient. This may not be as helpful as the actual oleocanthal compound due to the processing so read labels carefully.


Extra virgin olive oil is more expensive than any other type of oil on the market, including other forms of olive oil. Those interested in the healing effects of EVOO pay the price to get the compound at its source. The average bottle of extra virgin olive oil costs about ten dollars for a sixteen-ounce bottle. Pills cost between sixteen and twenty dollars for 100 capsules.


As potent as olencanthal is, and in spite of the great prospect for delayed, reduced, or even stopped Alzheimer’s disease, cardiac problems, and other serious illness, it is not a total replacement for drugs such as ibuprofen.

It would take a very large dose of olencanthal to get rid of headaches, or serious pain the way other anti-inflammatory drugs will. However, when consumed regularly, it will help the body’s own natural defenses conquer serious illness.


Oleocanthal is one of the natural herbal medicines that do not have a true danger of consumption. However, too much of anything is usually a bad thing. There are reasons for the body’s defense systems and consuming even helpful foods with the desire to thwart inflammation more harm than good.

The good thing is, that no matter how where it is necessary may cause much oleocanthal you consume it will not hurt your stomach, or have other harsh interactions with your system the way ibuprofen or other NSAIDs may. Chemical NSAIDs are very harsh to the stomach, kidneys, and other soft tissues.

One danger unrelated to the chemical itself, but to the oil in the foods you eat is that olive oil contains approximately 100 calories per tablespoon. The average daily requirement for medicinal purposes is 3 tablespoons and that boosts your daily calorie intake quite a bit.

Do not be fooled into thinking that you can avoid the calories by using “light” olive oil. All of the oils have the same relative calorie count, but do not have the oleocanthal that extra virgin olive oil has.

Myths and Realities

Not all oils are created equal. There are some who believe any oil is as good as extra virgin olive oil. That simply is not true. The benefits from EVOO come from the single compound oleocanthal and that is not found in any other oil. There is some debate about the origin of the oil. Some feel the best EVOO comes from Australia where other research shows that it doesn’t matter as much where the oil comes from as it does the sting it possesses.

Some truths often confused with myths are that EVOO definitely is an antioxidant. EVOO is a good fat that is best when it is freshest. However, contrary to some beliefs it is nearly impossible to tell the freshness of a product if it isn’t labeled with dates. The biggest reality of EVOO that is not widely known, and that some believe is a myth is that you should not cook the oil when you are using it for medicinal purposes.

It is best drizzled over foods such as salads, or even mixed in raw with smoothies or other drinks that will mask the sharpness of the taste.

Best forms

The younger the olives used to create extra virgin olive oil, the stronger the chemical compound oleocanthal will be. Oleocanthal reacts badly to heat so avoid cooking with the oil when you desire the most benefits from it. That does not mean do not eat olive oil that is used in cooking, it means that oil will not count as your daily consumption for therapeutic purposes.


The ongoing research into what the active properties of olive oil do and how they react with the body’s defenses and illnesses continues to impress health professionals.

There are many things yet to know about olencanthal. We do not know all that it will, and will not do. However, it is certain that the benefits are outstanding even as we know them now.



Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric, a popular spice often used in Indian foods and curry. Curcumin is classified as a polyphenol and it is the compound that gives turmeric its bright yellow color. Besides being a popular dietary supplement, it is used as a food coloring.

Turmeric comes from the Curcuma longa plant, a member of the same family as ginger. Turmeric is from the rhizomes of the plant, which is part of the stem that resides underground.
What is Curcumin Used For
Along with curcumin, the turmeric rhizome also contains demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Turmeric has traditionally been used as a medicine for thousands of years in India, but more recently, it has been used to treat inflammation, cancer, and liver disease, among others.

History and Traditional Uses

The first medicinal use of turmeric comes from Ayurvedic medicine in India. Evidence suggests it has been used since at least 1900 BCE.

The rhizomes and roots of the turmeric plant, which grows wild in the Himalayas and South Asia, would be ground into a powder and used both externally and internally to treat a wide variety of ailments.

Turmeric was said to be the most beneficial for the liver, heart, lungs, and the skin.

A paste of ground turmeric was applied externally to cuts, scrapes, and burns. It was said to have a variety properties when applied externally: as an analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent.

When eaten, turmeric was said to treat the following conditions:

  • Anemia
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Food poisoning
  • Gallstones
  • Indigestion
  • Irritable bowel and other digestive disorders
  • Poor circulation
  • Staph infections
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Impure breast milk
  • Low semen production
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Cough and excess mucus
  • Liver toxicity

Modern Uses of Curcumin:

Today, curcumin is still used by some people for all of the traditional uses, but the long list has been expanded even further. Curcumin is used by people of all ages, but the highest demographic is people in their late 30s and older.

Curcumin is not widely used by the mass population, except some places in India, where its use originated. In North America and Europe, curcumin use is limited to those seeking natural remedies and trying to reduce modern medications in their life.

Antioxidant Properties

Curcumin has been shown to be effective as a scavenger of reactive oxygen and nitrogen in a test tube environment, but no clear results show that it works as an antioxidant inside of a living animal. Because of its low absorption rate in humans, most prepared curcumin doses are too low to even enter the bloodstream.

However, some studies have found that accumulated curcumin in the gastrointestinal tract did inhibit oxidative damage in the immediate areas of accumulation. Curcumin has also been shown to have indirect antioxidant properties by inhibiting enzymes that play a role in oxidation.


Curcumin, in initial trials, has been shown to produce apoptosis is in a variety of cancerous cells. Apoptosis is a programmed cell death that happens suddenly without accompanying inflammation. So far, only Phase I trials have been completed in humans.

These are studies of very small groups of people. In these trials, where 3.6 g of curcumin was taken per day for 7 days, traces were found in both normal and malignant tissues of colorectal cancer patients.

In one of the few Phase II trials that have been conducted, some anticancer properties were shown in two out of the 21 study participants suffering from pancreatic cancer. Because of its low bioavailability, however, it is thought only to be effective in a liposome encapsulated form injected intravenously.


Although full clinical trials in animals have shown curcumin to have anti-inflammatory properties, only a very few limited trials have been conducted on humans. In one preliminary study of 18 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin supplements were taken at doses of 1200 mg per day for two weeks.

Patients reported similar improvements in swelling, stiffness, and general movement that had been experienced with NSAID treatment. Another preliminary trial of 40 men recovering from hernia surgery showed that curcumin administered at 1200 mg per day for 5 days was more effective in reducing pain, tenderness, and edema than a placebo.

Two other studies showed that 1125 mg/day of curcumin, taken for 12 weeks, relieved inflammatory conditions of the eyes. Larger clinical trials are still required to make a final determination on the effects of curcumin and inflammation due to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Cystic Fibrosis

Curcumin has been taken by people suffering from this genetic disease as a pain treatment. A study done on mice showed that curcumin, orally administered, can correct the abnormal protein folding and ion transportation that causes the pain in cystic fibrosis.
Treatments with Curcumin
Mice, however, which have the same genetic mutation as humans with cystic fibrosis only experience gastrointestinal effects of the disease, not the pain or lung complications associated with humans. Furthermore, a second trial based on the exact same model as the first found no benefits whatsoever.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation conducted one human clinical trial using curcumin, and, they too, found it to be of no benefit. The foundation, therefore, has officially recommended patients not to use curcumin for management of cystic fibrosis.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease causes deposits of peptides to be deposited in the brain. These are called amyloid plaques. The plaques are known to cause oxidation damage and inflammation. Curcumin injections have been shown to inhibit the formation of these plaques in the body, even crossing the blood-brain barrier in animal test subjects.

Inflammation and oxidation damage seems to have been reduced. Biomarkers show that reduction may be in the areas that cause the memory deficits associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is not certain, however, if orally-administered curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, which is necessary in the treatment of symptoms.

So far, clinical trials in humans have shown that 4 g/day of orally administered curcumin is safe to use. Effects on Alzheimer’s disease in humans have yet to be studied.

Curcumin Dosage and Availability

Curcumin is available today as a standardized extract, which is powdered and put into gel caps, often with other ingredients, such as black pepper or ginger. Raw curcumin is taken in doses of 3 to 10 grams, but it is usually taken as a standardized extract in doses of 300 mg to 1 gram. Doses are repeated from 1 to 5 times per day, usually with food.

Unfortunately, curcumin is very slowly absorbed by the body, so unless it is prepared with oils in food, it can take hours before it reaches the bloodstream.

The reason why curcumin is often found capped together with black pepper or piperine (black pepper extract) is because studies have shown that, when taken together, curcumin absorption is increased by 2000 percent within the first hour after consumption. In 2007 and 2008, two new forms of curcumin were manufactured: nanoparticle and lipidated. Both forms show increased performance and absorption but are still not widely available.

Studies show that curcumin itself is only found in very low concentrations in plasma and serum. Curcumin metabolites, however, are detected, but there is no evidence that the processed metabolites have the same benefits of curcumin. In fact, curcumin, taken orally, is not detected in serum at all when taking less than 4 g per day. Evidence suggests that curcumin can accumulate in the lining of the intestine where it is absorbed by the body at a later time.

Legal Status of Curcumin

Curcumin is legal as both a food additive and dietary supplement everywhere in the world. It can be found at natural food stores and, as turmeric, in open markets and supermarkets.

Side Effects

Curcumin is labeled as a generally safe product in the U.S. and no other country places a limit on its use. No serious side effects have ever been reported from high doses. Studies show that up to 12 g taken in one dose is safe, and dosage did not increase the quantity or severity of side effects. Long-term usage at 8 g/day for three months was also shown to be safe in studies.

Participants had very few, if any, side effects. The safety of curcumin in pregnant and lactating women has not been studied, but no historic evidence indicates any adverse effect. Mild side effects of curcumin experienced by some people include only nausea and diarrhea.

Curcumin Availability and Cost

Curcumin is readily available as turmeric in most food stores where it sells for about $5.00 per pound in the U.S.

As a dietary supplement, curcumin is found at natural foods and vitamin shops in a standardized extract form of usually 95% purity. Standardization claims of dietary supplements are not tested in the U.S. 100 capsules of curcumin at 500 mg can sell for anywhere between $10 and $25 per bottle, depending on the manufacturer and retail store.



The Mayo Clinic defines the natural chemical melatonin as being “a hormone produced in the brain by the pineal gland from the amino acid tryptophan.” This is an accurate statement, however, melatonin is much more than that one sentence would lead one to believe. Melatonin is produced not just in the brain, but in many areas of the body, and serves many necessary functions.

Though its association with the brain chemical tryptophan may suggest a primary role in sleep and feelings of drowsiness, there is much more to this naturally occurring chemical than making us feel the need for a nap after a large meal.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone, produced by humans and other mammals, but it is also found in microbes and plants. A light-sensitive hormone, natural melatonin production in most cases is stimulated by darkness.
melatonin benefits
Synthetic melatonin is regarded as a legal substance in the United States and much of Canada, popular drug information source, Erowid, lists melatonin as being available by prescription in Norway, Finland and Australia.

Melatonin as an Antioxidant

Melatonin is also defined as an antioxidant, and is thought by some in the medical field to possess powerful protective qualities and benefits to the immune system. Melatonin has been widely studied in both human and animal trials to see what effects the compound may have on various medical conditions.

The quality, length and significance of these trials and studies varies greatly, and most medical professionals and academics agree that more research is needed to fully understand what benefits or risks melatonin may hold. In some cases, the effects of melatonin were studied for a period of only several days to a week, and this is not enough time to get a broad range of accurate and significant results from participants.

Melatonin is not classified by the Food and Drug Administration as a prescription drug, and so it is most commonly sold simply as an over-the-counter health supplement.

It is important to note that herbal health supplements, vitamins and non-prescription synthetic hormones that can be purchased in the grocery store, online or at a retail health food outlet are not typically regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This will be changing slightly in the near future, as new requirements are set in place for supplements, however, “buyer beware” is still a good phrase to operate under.

Non FDA Regulated

Because melatonin is not an FDA-regulated drug, there is no way to know for certain what is in any given supplement preparation, or how much of the advertised active ingredient is really being administered with each dose. Inactive ingredients in supplements, often referred to as “filler” ingredients, are often not listed on the label at all.

Especially in those patients who are under a physician’s care for serious medical conditions, taking prescription medications or undergoing any sort of medical treatment, the use of unspecified ingredients of any kind is not typically recommended.

Health supplements sold over-the-counter should generally be used only by healthy adults who bear a full understanding of the consumer’s risk, and with the advice of a physician. Those taking melatonin and other supplements should also be aware of the lack of conclusive evidence of any true medical benefits or proven ability to cure any disease as recognized by the FDA.

In June 2010, the Food and Drug Administration will be introducing new requirements on health supplements, but this measure will still not include the same oversight and scrutiny that pharmaceutical drugs receive.

Melatonin: Possible Effects On Various Medical Conditions

Many small-scale human and animal studies involving melatonin have produced varied results as far as benefits are concerned. The Natural Standard research Collaboration, as published on the Mayo Clinic web site, have compiled data surrounding the use of melatonin in clinical research studies. According to this information, synthetic melatonin has been shown to have some possible benefits as pertains to several medical conditions.

In almost all cases, more high-quality, long-term clinical research is deemed necessary to determine the full potential benefits and risks of the use of melatonin. Melatonin is not currently viewed to be a stand-alone treatment for any particular medical condition in the United States.

Melatonin has long been touted for its potential benefits as pertains to sleep health. In those suffering jet lag or sleep disorders, melatonin has been shown to boost the establishment of healthier sleep patterns. Possible benefits of melatonin on the sleep cycle include falling asleep faster, adjusting to new sleep conditions more quickly, enhanced deep-sleep cycles and better morning alertness.

Adjusting to Sleep Cycles

For those who travel frequently or have trouble adjusting to new sleep cycles, it is thought melatonin may assist in re-setting our internal 24-hour clocks. The internal body clock, scientifically referred to as the circadian rhythm, can be disrupted by changes in exposure to light and darkness.

Melatonin has shown to have some effect on helping the circadian rhythm stabilize and allow someone experiencing a disrupted sleep cycle to adjust and improve more quickly. This possible effect is of particular interest and potential benefit to those finding themselves trying to adjust to new time zones frequently due to regular business travel.

Other conditions that may be helped by using a synthetic melatonin supplement include high blood pressure, thermo-regulation issues, aging issues, and even mental health disorders. In some cases, melatonin has been studied in terms of being a part of cancer therapy.

Dr. Rodney Samaan, MD, of New York, New York, views melatonin as “a very strong antioxidant”, and implied in a research paper that it may be more powerful and more effective that other antioxidants. Dr. Samaan goes on to cite that melatonin may slow the growth of tumor-causing cells, especially in reproductive organs.

Natural Melatonin

Melatonin has been the focus of several studies, including those centered around the role of natural melatonin, as well as the use of synthetic melatonin in treating several types of cancer, including skin and breast cancer. More research is needed, though some reported results in a 2005 Journal of Pineal Research study indicated a “reduced incidence of death” among some of the 643 participants. The study reported no noted adverse affects.
melatonin benefits
As an antioxidant, melatonin may boost the immune system and promote cell protection in many areas of the body. Besides being produced in the brain, melatonin is also produced in the gut and the eye. Melatonin is important to the entire body, and has been shown to be closely linked to sleep health, chemicals in the brain that may affect mood, bile production, the onset of puberty and healthy levels of eye pressure.

Melatonin: Commons Doses, Preparations, Cost

Synthetic melatonin is fairly inexpensive, and is sold in several forms. The most common form of melatonin is an over-the-counter oral supplement. Consumers can choose from many popular brands of melatonin products, including Nature’s Bounty, Spring Valley, GNC and Natrol. Prices vary widely in the health supplement market, but the average price of a 30-day supply is around $5-$10 in the United States.

Because melatonin is a supplement, dosage guidelines vary greatly. No accepted dosage guidelines for melatonin exist for children under 18 years of age, and melatonin should not be used in these patients for any reason without the advice and supervision of a doctor.

Melatonin is also not advised for use in pregnant women, women who intend to become pregnant while using the supplement, or in breastfeeding mothers. Animal studies have established that melatonin will pass into the breast milk of an animal given the supplement, and this is thought to be the case in humans, as well.

Common dosage levels for healthy adults over the age of 18 vary between 3-5 milligrams taken nightly as a sleep aid. In some cases, the actual dose recommended on the label of a specific melatonin product may be higher or lower than these average dosage levels.

Cancer Treatment

Particularly as relates to use in cancer treatment, melatonin is sometimes administered as an intramuscular injection. This use is not currently approved or available in the United States, and more long-term clinical research will have to be conducted before that will change.

High Blood Pressure

For use in patients with high blood pressure, or for those who simply do not like taking pills or capsules, melatonin may be delivered in a liquid intranasal spray form via a bottle with an applicator tip. A brand called Health Genesis sells a two ounce bottle of Melatonin nasal spray, called NutraSpray, online for $6.10 each, though it does not specify that it treats or in any way benefits those suffering from high blood pressure or any other medical condition.

Availability and How to Take It

Melatonin is also available as a topical cream or lotion preparation. There are many melatonin creams available, and many tout the antioxidant properties as having positive effects concerning aging and skin. The cream form of melatonin is more expensive than the oral form, and it can cost up to $20 for a small bottle.

Doses of melatonin creams are typically measured through metered doses, usually via a pump-dispense system in the bottle. For example, consumers may be instructed to use one pump of cream nightly for a certain length of time.

Some melatonin creams or lotions have a label which will instruct the user to apply the cream in a rotating fashion between the face, chest, arms or other parts of the body, rather than applying the preparation over the same part of the body daily. There have been limited-scale research studies on the effects of melatonin creams in those suffering various types of skin cancers. No conclusive evidence currently supports the use of melatonin as a sole or primary treatment option for any form of cancer.

Any serious medical condition should be evaluated by a medical professional skilled in the field concerned. Health supplements supplement traditional health care, they do not in any way replace it. This information has been presented for educational and informational purposes only, and does not replace advice from a qualified medical professional.



Resveratrol: Is It The Next Fountain Of Youth?

You may have been hearing about the new “wonder drug” or “fountain of youth pill, either on TV, radio, or internet. Resveratrol has been proclaimed as a “miracle drug” by many people. You may be wondering, “What is Resveratrol?” “Where can I get it?” “What does it do?” Let’s start with the basic information.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is formed through chemical synthesis from Japanese knotweed. It’s a phytoalexin which is produced naturally by an assortment of plants when they are under attack by fungi or bacteria.

Main Source

Resveratrol comes in two primary sources: from Japanese knotweed and also, the skin of red wine grapes. Modern advances in science have allowed Resveratrol to be taken from natural sources. Fortunately, because it would take hundreds of glasses of wine to reach the equivalence of the amount of Resveratrol that you could get in the form of a supplement.
resveratrol natural remedy
These are not the only forms where Resveratrol is found. You can also find smaller doses of Resveratrol in cranberries, blueberries, peanuts, and pomegranate.

History and Origin

In early 1990 is when the interest of Resveratrol began, it was then discovered that it was found to be in red wine. Over the years Resveratrol was studied, but it was in 2006 when a study conducted on mice at Harvard, showed the longevity and life span of 31% of the mice.

The mice also experienced healthier aging, and also a healthier and stronger heart. What were these mice given? Resveratrol. Once word was out about this “life saving drug” everyone couldn’t help but be curious if it actually works.


As with all new drugs on the market, there are many misconceptions linked with this “wonder drug.” Even though Resveratrol is found in the skin of red wine grapes, it is not extracted from this source.

The majority of Resveratrol comes from the Japanese Knotweed. Although, the method of extracting this supplement from red wine grapes would work, the Japanese Knotweed provides a better quality product and is a less expensive.

It is also believed that only red wine grapes contain Resveratrol, although the white grapes do contain levels of Resveratrol, it is simply incomparable to the red white grape, which contains a larger quantity.

Benefits of Resveratrol

There are many benefits that you can obtain from taking Resveratrol to improve your overall health. Some of the claimed benefits from Resveratrol include:

  1. Extend longevity of life as well as assist with healthy aging
  2. Less visible signs wrinkles that come with aging.
  3. Reduces the risk of heart disease, insulin resistance and diabetes
  4. Works as an anti cancer treatment as well as an anti inflammatory
  5. Aids in the process of weight loss and speeds up your metabolism
  6. Improve and boost energy levels

Although these benefits are claimed to be controlled by Resveratrol, there are still proven cases that are still up for debate. We all realize how serious cancer is, and may have even affected someone we know, it would be great if Resveratrol could alleviate cancer, and however scientists and researchers are still studying this theory and have not confirmed 100% that Resveratrol can prevent or treat cancer at this time.

Weight Loss

Many say Resveratrol assists to increase a person’s metabolism. Your metabolism plays a large role in how rapidly you shed excess. When you have a speedy metabolism it breaks down food more rapidly so fewer calories are absorbed and converted into fat.

Resveratrol is also said to help boost your energy level. When your energy level is increased you are more likely to sustain exercise and movement longer. Weight loss, although difficult to incorporate, is actually a fairly simple process. Just remember calories in means calories out. This means in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in.
resveratrol benefits
Resveratrol is also suggested to help suppress your appetite. The leading cause of obesity is eating too much, so if you can suppress your appetite and exercise regularly, then you have the odds in your favor to start losing that weight.

Different Forms

There are several forms in which you can find Resveratrol; however, they are not all as effective.

  • Transdermal- This form comes in a cream or lotion that you apply directly to the skin. There are also transdermal patches that you can get and apply to the skin, such as that of a band aid, or a nicotine patch and the Resveratrol releases into your skin. The success rate of this method is still undetermined at this time. Researchers can not be sure how much, if any of the Resveratrol is being absorbed by your skin.
  • Powder- This form is simply added to your water or drink, you can also add it to your food, it is said to be tasteless. As of right now, the clarity if you actually absorb enough Resveratrol through this form has still yet to been confirmed. Many believe that your body processes it as waste and gets rid of it.
  • Capsule- This is the most effective form, this is believed because each dose is said to contain the equivalence of 100 glasses of red wine. Your body is also said to absorb Resveratrol in this form greater than with the other forms available.


How much should you take? The recommended dose of Resveratrol depends on what kind of health a person is in, how old they are and several other factors. Due to the research that is ongoing with Resveratrol, a set dosage has not currently been standardized. Just because it is a natural product, don’t think that it can’t harm you if taken too much. You want to make sure to follow instructions completely, if you have any questions be sure to contact your doctor of medical professional.

As Resveratrol is still undergoing many tests and discussions, it is not a product recommended for children at this time. Their bodies are not fully developed, and even though there have not been any harmful side effects to Resveratrol, why take the change and risking your child’s health? Besides they are still young and don’t need to worry about wrinkles, or slowing down the signs of aging.

The two chief complaints for Resveratrol not working is because people either consumed too much or it, or didn’t take it in enough to make a difference.

Side Effects

Even though Resveratrol is all natural there are still risks and side effects from taking Resveratrol, or taking too much of it. Resveratrol can act as a blood thinning agent, so if you are currently being treated for any blood thinning issues you are going to want to check with your doctor and see how it is going to interact with Resveratrol.

Pain in the joints or tendons that connect to the bones is also said to be a side effect, if taken too much of the supplement, researchers are still puzzled as to why this might be.

Others who have taken Resveratrol have complained about not being able to sleep, stomach pain, diaherra, and aching in the feet, hips, and hands.

Costs of Resveratrol

Since Resveratrol first came to light and everyone is hearing the hype, companies want to cash in on these products. Companies are competing for your business for this wondrous cash crop. This is both good and bad for consumers. With all of the different products out there and all promising the same results, and that they offer the purest form, which one is the best? The jury is still out on the exact answer to the question, as with any product you are going to want to research each and make a choice that is based on your needs. Here are some of the leading competitors out there.

  • ResVer XP- This product contains 100mg of Resveratrol per serving. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If you try it for 30 days and you are not satisfied you can simply send back what you have left of the Resveratrol and you get 100% of your money back. A 30 day supply costs about $40 if you make your purchase from their website. They are also offering a 21 day free trial.
  • RevGenetics-This product has a Resveratrol purity rate of 99%, and has been tested independently by 3 different US laboratories. RevGenetics did not only meet the FDA minimum requirements, they exceeded them. A bottle of 60 capsules can cost about $ 49, and can be found online at Amazon.com or Drugstore.com.
  • ResV Max- ResV Max is also currently offering a free 30 day trial. You are responsible to pay shipping and handling charges, but you do get to try this product and see for yourself if it works for you.
  • Vital ResV- Here is another company that is offering a full 30 day money back guarantee for you to try their product. They are also offering the free 14 day trial period as well.

As mentioned there are a lot of products to choose from if you want to try and get the most effective, purest form of Resveratrol, which is the bad news, however, with all of these companies competing for your business and offering free trials, why not take advantage of the deals. What do you have to lose besides wrinkles and weight?



Tocopherols (Vitamin E)

Vitamin E is a vitamin that is fat-soluble and comes with antioxidant properties. There are eight different forms in which vitamin E may exist:

  • Alpha tocopherol
  • Alpha tocotrienol
  • Beta tocopherol
  • Beta tocotrienol
  • Gamma tocopherol
  • Gamma tocotrienol
  • Delta tocopherol and
  • Delta tocotrienol

The most active form of vitamin E found in humans is the alpha-tocopherol, and it is for this reason that when daily allowance and dosing recommendations they are made, they are usually made in Alpha-Tocopherol Equivalents, or ATE. Vitamin E supplements may be found in synthetic or natural forms, the latter of which tends to be labeled with a “d,” such as in d-gamma-tocopherol. The synthetic forms, on the other hand, tend to be labeled with “dl,” such as in dl-alpha-tocopherol.
Tocopherol Information

Treating Different Health Conditions

Vitamin E has often been proposed as part of a treatment or prevention plan for a number of different health conditions, usually due to its antioxidant properties.

However, outside of treating the rare vitamin E deficiency, there is no scientifically proven medicinal usage of the supplementation of vitamin E outside of maintaining the recommended dosage. Ongoing research is current, especially in treating heart disease and cancer.

There have been recent concerns associated with how safe it is to take high doses of vitamin E supplements. The idea has been proposed about whether there is an increased risk of bleeding, especially with those who are also taking aspiring, heparin, warfarin and other blood thinners, or in patients who are deficient in vitamin K.

Evidence that has recently come to light has come to light that taking high doses of vitamin E supplements might increase the risk of death from “all causes,” though a separate study said there was no increase towards mortality for women who supplemented vitamin E on a daily basis. Caution is warranted.

Uses Based on Tradition or Theory

The following list are uses that are based on scientific theories or traditions. More often than not, they are not fully tested in humans, meaning that the effectiveness and safety are not necessarily proven. Some conditions are potentially very serious and should only be evaluated by a qualified professional.

  • Abortifacient
  • Acne
  • Aging prevention
  • Aging skin
  • Air pollution protection
  • Allergies
  • Amiodarone pulmonary toxicity prevention
  • Bee stings
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Beta-thalassemia
  • Blood disorders (porphyria)
  • Breast pain or inflammation (mastitis)
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in infants born prematurely
  • Bursitis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Celiac disease
  • Chemotherapy extravasation
  • Chorea, or chronic progressive hereditary
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Dermatitis
  • Diaper rash
  • Digestive enzyme deficiency
  • Doxorubicin hair loss
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Dyspraxia
  • Energy enhancement
  • Exercise recovery
  • Frostbite
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Granuloma annulare
  • Hair loss
  • Heart attack
  • Heart transplant rejection
  • Hereditary spherocytosis
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Hypertension
  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Impotence
  • Leg cramps
  • iver disease
  • Liver spots
  • Lung cancer
  • Male fertility
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Miscarriage
  • Mucositis
  • Muscle strength
  • Myotonic dystrophy
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Nitrate tolerance
  • Oral leukoplakia
  • Labor pain
  • Pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Physical endurance
  • Poor posture
  • Post-angioplasty restenosis
  • Post-operative recovery
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Radiation induced fibrosis
  • Reperfusion injury protection
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Sickle cell
  • Skeletal muscle damage
  • Skin damage
  • Skin disorders
  • Sperm motility
  • Sunburn
  • Thrombophlebitis and
  • Ulcerative coloitis
  • Dosing

The doses as provided in this section are based on research by scientists, traditional use, publications or expert opinion. There are many supplements and herbs that have not been fully tested, meaning the effectiveness and the safety of taking them are not necessarily proven. Some brands may differ in how they make their supplements, using other ingredients, even with its own brand. They may not apply to all sorts of products. Always read the product labels.

Dietary Sources

The following foods are known to contain vitamin E:

  • Eggs
  • Fortified cereals
  • Fruit
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Meat
  • Nuts
  • Nut oils
  • Poultry
  • Vegetable oils
  • Argan oil
  • Olive oil
  • Wheat germ oil and
  • Whole grains

Cooking may destroy some of the vitamins.


It is believed that most adults within the United States already have a sufficient amount of vitamin E from their dietary sources. The recommended allowance for adults over the age of 14 years is 15 milligrams ATE. The recommended allowance for pregnant women of any age whatsoever is about 15 milligrams ATE of vitamin E per day, with breastfeeding women of any age whatsoever needing 19 milligrams per day.


Children between the ages of one and three years is six milligrams ATE per day. For children between the ages of four and eight years is seven milligrams ATE per day. For children between the ages of nine and 13 years is 11 milligrams ATE per day. Anybody over the age of 14 years is to receive 15 milligrams ATE of vitamin E per day. Pregnant women of any age at all should receive 15 milligrams ATE per day, and those who are breastfeeding, regardless of the age, should obtain about 19 milligrams ATE of vitamin E per day. No amount has been approved for infants.


It is not the position of the United States Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, to approve the regulation of supplements and herbs. Therefore, the effects may vary, there is no guarantee for the purity or the safety of the products, and there is no guarantee about its strength.
Vitamin E
For this reason, it is vital to always read the labels on the product. For those who suffer from a medical condition or are taking any other supplements, herbs or drugs, it is important to go see and consult with a qualified professional before taking on a new therapy. Also make sure to consult a doctor at once if experiencing any side effects.

Side Effects and Warnings

Evidence that has recently come to light has come to light that taking high doses of vitamin E supplements might increase the risk of death from “all causes,” though a separate study said there was no increase towards mortality for women who supplemented vitamin E on a daily basis. However, these results are often criticized by experts who said that they are based on recalculations of results from earlier studies of mixed quality and with variable results. However, it is still currently the best evidence available and as it stands everybody should take caution with taking vitamin E.

It is considered to be safe to take vitamin E supplements for a short period of time, only up to the recommended upper intake level. However, vitamin E has the potential of being unsafe when doses are taken orally at levels exceeding that of which is recommended. The RDA obtained through food consumption is generally thought to be both safe and beneficial.

Skin Reactions

Contact dermatitis and other kinds of skin reactions have previously been reported after using topical vitamin E preparations, including deodorants that have vitamin E in them or ointments. Rarely, it has been shown that vitamin E supplements can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or symptoms similar to that of influenza. There also seems to be an increased risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis when taking a large dose of vitamin E.

In rare cases, there has been associations between the supplementation of vitamin E and gonadal dysfunction, as well as diminished kidney function.


Taking a high dosage of vitamin E on a regular basis is also believed to increase the risk of bleeding, and this is because the vitamin inhibits platelet aggregation and there is the antagonism of clotting factors dependent on vitamin K, especially with those who are deficient in the vitamin. Also associated with vitamin E supplementation, though rare, are fatigue, headache, dizziness, blurred vision and weakness.

People who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa should not consider taking vitamin E orally because it does not seem to slow down the decline of vision, and it actually seems to be associated with losing visual activity on a more rapid basis. This theory, however, has been questioned.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

There are numerous prenatal vitamins that are known to have small levels of vitamin E in them. It may be preferred to take natural kinds of vitamin E rather than the forms that come synthetically.

It is not recommended to take more vitamin E than the level of Recommended Dietary Allowance states that otherwise healthy pregnant women should have. Outside of this recommendation, there is currently no sufficient evidence that shows the safety levels of taking a higher dosage of vitamin E, whether injected, topical or oral, throughout the duration of breastfeeding and pregnancy. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed such recommended dosages.



What is L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine, a sub-type of Carnitine, is a naturally occurring amino acid critical to the burning of fatty acids for energy and prized for its antioxidant properties. Synthesized in the liver and kidneys, L-Carnitine requires two essential amino acids, lysine and methionine, for synthesis to take place. It also requires niacin, B6, and iron from the body for synthesis. Without these key components, the liver and kidneys cannot supply the body with this much needed amino acid.

L-Carnitine has a very specific role as an amino acid. Its purpose is to carry fatty acids into the mitochondria where the acids are burned as cellular fuel. This amino acid was discovered in 1927, but it was not until the 1960s before its purpose and significance was fully understood.

L-Carnitine is the biologically active strain of the amino acid. The biologically inactive strain is referred to as D-Carnitine. It can be found in numerous foods and has several potential medical uses, though it is often used as a diet supplement because of its antioxidant properties and ability to boost energy.

Where Does L-Carnitine Do?

Before any discussion on Carnitine can take place, one must first understand the role of amino acids in the metabolic process. Amino acids generally do one of two things: They are either critical to the synthesis of proteins or they are oxidized and used as energy at the cellular level. Carnitine is an amino acid that transports lipids into the mitochondria where they are oxidized for energy. Its primary purpose is to carry those fatty acids through the cell wall to the mitochondria where they will be burned as fuel.
L-Carnitine Herbal Receipies
Triglycerides are a type of fatty acids used by the body as fuel. Triglycerides provide long-term energy production where glycogen is a polysaccharide used for shorter bursts of energy. By focusing on the use of triglycerides in the production of energy, L-Carnitine provides for greater stamina and endurance critical to continuous exercise.

Glycogen, on the other hand, provides greater energy for a much shorter span of time. It is L-Carnitine’s selectivity that allows for the ability of fatty acids like triglycerides to provide long bursts of energy to the body.

Source of Triglycerides

The typical source of triglycerides is from fatty tissue. Once that fatty tissue is broken down into lipids, L-Carnitine then aids in the transport of the lipids into the cell itself where the lipids are then used for fuel for the cell. This efficient use of lipids makes L-Carnitine critical in the energy production of the body at the cellular level. The use of lipids as an energy source also prevents the oxidization of those lipids. L-Carnitine’s role in the removal of the lipids prior to oxidization makes its antioxidant properties even more valuable in the overall role of physical health.

What Does L-Carnitine Do?

Perhaps the simplest way to put this is that Carnitine and its sub-groups, L-Carnitine and D-Carnitine, act as a turbocharger for the body, providing greater energy, longer endurance and stamina, and a cleaner fuel burn for the body.

Continuing to use the automotive analogy, turbocharging not only gives more power, but it makes maximum use of the fuel insuring that less waste is put out the exhaust. When talking about human cells, just like the planet around us, if we put less waste back into our environment, it makes for a healthier place to live. Just like throwing our trash all about us, it not only affects ourselves, but our neighbors. Throwing less waste around within the body means less pollution for the neighboring cells to deal with.

Where Does L-Carnitine Come From?

The primary source for L-Carnitine are the kidneys and liver, but they are not the only source of the amino acid. It is also available from various food sources. It is found in substantial quantities in red meat, such as beef, and to a lesser degree in pork. It can also be found in nuts, fruits such as bananas and apricots, legumes, and cereal grains. It can also be found in many over-the-counter vitamin supplements and energy drinks.

What is L-Carnitine Used For?

Proponents of L-Carnitine call it the optimum fat-burning amino acid. Thus, it is often used by those who require energy for a long duration such as fitness buffs and those who compete in endurance competitions. It is also used by those who wish to lose weight. While studies show that the longer the duration of physical activity provides greater burning of fat, there is not much research that shows the part L-Carnitine plays in the process. However, logic tells us that if it allows one to remain active for a longer period of time, and longer periods of physical activity lead to leaner muscle mass and lower fat mass, it must follow that L-Carnitine plays an important part in weight reduction.

In order to fully quantify the last statement, however, there is some research which suggests that greater quantities of L-Carnitine have limited effects on the energy burning process. Some research suggest that the body reaches its maximum saturation point at as low as 2 grams and that any additional quantities beyond this point provide no effect substantial effect.

Treating Heart Attacks

Beyond the weight reduction uses, there are also studies that suggest the use of L-Carnitine also aids in the treatment of heart attacks. These studies show that increased levels of L-Carnitine allow patients suffering from angina to reduce medication while exercising longer with reduced chest pain. It is also suggested that patients treated with L-Carnitine in addition to conventional treatments are less likely to suffer a subsequent heart attack, experience less chest pain, and are less likely to have abnormal heart rhythms.

Kidney Disease

Because kidneys are a primary source of Carnitine within the body, L-Carnitine may also be prescribed for those who suffer from kidney disease or lowered kidney function. There are also studies suggesting that it may have a positive effect on those suffering from diabetes or male infertility, though these claims still require further study.

Claims & Side Effects

Other claims made by manufacturers of Acetyl-L-Carnitine are that it can be used in the treatment of memory loss and Alzheimer’s Disease, depression, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, Peyronie’s disease, and various other diseases.

Some of the side effects associated with L-Carnitine supplements are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Because L-Carnitine is also an antioxidant, it promotes greater cellular health.

Where Can I Find L-Carnitine?

As stated before, the primary source for this essential amino acid is the liver and kidneys, however there are several other sources including food and supplements. Supplements come in pill, liquid, and powder form and can be found in many health and nutrition stores. They come in a wide variety of concentrations. Some of these supplements follow. Please note that L-Carnitine supplements are not available in Canada, nor can they be imported into Canada.

Herbsmd.com carries a wide variety of L-Carnitine pill supplements ranging in concentrations from 250 mg to 1 gram. Prices range from $9-60 USD.

Fitness Labs produces a pharmaceutical grade, 1 gram liquid L-Carnitine solution which, according to their claims, “maximizes energy production for optimal physical performance”. Retail is approximately $32 but can be found for 50% off.

MRM also manufactures a 1 gram L-Carnitine solution mixed with 100 mgs Co-Q10. According to their claims, it “supports energy production from fats” and “promotes cardiovascular health”. Retail pricing on this product is $30, but it can be found for 1/3 off online.

LifeExtension manufactures L-Carnitine in powder form which it promotes as a powerful antioxidant that slows the cellular damage of aging. Retail price is $85 though discounts can be found online.

It can also be found offline in health and nutrition stores like GNC.

Are L-Carnitine Supplements Safe?

L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid. While there are a long list of the potential benefits of taking L-Carnitine supplements, though not all have been substantiated, there is no denying that there are some potential, though minor, side effects as well. There have been no substantial claims of toxicity due to overdose with L-Carnitine, nor any other severely negative problems reported. Generally, the worst side effects reported are nausea and vomiting.

In consideration of any number of other supplements available over-the-counter and in health and fitness stores world-wide, L-Carnitine has little in the way of negative side effects. This means that, in general, L-Carnitine is safe for the vast majority of people. However, if you do suffer side effects from taking an L-Carnitine supplement, it is best to stop taking it immediately and consult your physician.

In Conclusion

There are many positives to the use of L-Carnitine, and few reported negatives. However, scientific study does show that the greatest effect of L-Carnitine tends to show in patients who have an L-Carnitine deficiency. For other claims, including increased energy, faster weight loss, leaner muscle mass, and so on, the claims are mostly unsubstantiated.

Like most supplements, much of the effect is dependent on the consumer’s belief in the product, however that does not mean that it does not help in some way. Because L-Carnitine has a very low rate of side effects and those side effects are mild with little or no toxicity, taking supplements will not harm an individual taking it.

If you are looking at taking an L-Carnitine supplement, it may be worth a try if even a one or two of the claims made by the manufacturers are true. You may just find yourself a turbocharged exercise machine.