Welcome to NaturalRemedies.org – the web’s leading resource for information about holistic health. My name is Kim Wang and this site is my work in progress helping to pass on some of the things my mother has taught me over the years. She has stressed the importance of “health is wealth” and the importance of being one with nature. I began blogging in 2010 and have published hundreds of health guides over the years. Our site has been referenced by hundreds of popular sites including the likes of Bustle, NaturalNews, CafeMom & more.
If you would like to email me, you can send email to gro.seidemerlarutan@mik, or you can comment below and I will try to reply promptly.
With the help of my family, I offer free information, tips, and advice on overcoming common health ailments using natural remedies & other treatment strategies. While we try to ensure accuracy with our editorial content, we also realize that health conditions can be complicated & every person has their own unique make up. This site was designed to be informational in nature, but since it is not personalized & does not have end user input, it does not constitute personalized medical advice. If you have a medical emergency please do not hesitate to contact your family doctor right away.
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Everything I have ever read about hawthorn says how good it is for one’s health and I can certainly vouch for its ability to lower blood pressure. However, I am currently taking it instead of blood pressure medication because the latter blurred my vision so badly. I have been taking it for 43 days so far and I think it is having the same effect on my eyes as the prescription medicine. Am I right, or do you think my blurred vision is due to withdrawal effects from the prescription medications? I cannot find any information on withdrawal effects apart from that on banned substances and obviously that is of no use to me.
I think you should definitely seek help from a medical professional if you are having major side effects from any type of drug or supplement. That you are having those side effects could be indication there is another different & important problem which needs looked into soon. Many exceptionally dangerous medical conditions surface early warning symptoms through the eyes.
Respected Sir,
Myself, Parita Khanpara, I am studying M.Pharm in Atmiya Institute of Pharmacy in Pharmacognosy having projectwork under the topic of ” Development and Evaluation of Polyherbal Antiulcer Herbal Formulation”. I want 1-2 mgm of glycyrrhizin standard sample for evaluation of formulation.
I request to you Sir that If you can provide me Glycyrrhizin standard, It will be your great help for my project work.
Waiting for your positive response.
Thanking you.
Dr. Mayurkumar Patel
i want to work as qualiyu assurance chemist.i am a b-pharm student.please do reply.
My name is Karima Kaim and work for the company Radiant Brands. The company Iam working for is interested on placing an add in you website. Would you mind sending me the pricing? This is to sell products that is shown on the website
Please let me know
Look forward to hear from you.
Hi Karima
please send advertisement requests to my email mentioned above.
Dear Sir / Mam,
I am Deepak from delhi and i would like to take franchise of natural remedies, so please tell me your conditions like area and investments of franchise procedure (with detail) asap.
Note :- I do not have any diploma in pharmacy.
Warm regards,
Dear Webmaster,
My name is Michael Giancarlo and I am the advertising manager in VXite.com – a internet advertising agency.
I came across your site and it seems like a resourceful site with quality content and visitors.
We would like to advertise in your site in the form of banner or a text link. If you’re interested please respond to this email and we can continue.
Michael Giancarlo
Advertising Manager
Hello Michael
I don’t sell text links, but you can send me an email with your other advertisement requests and I will reply promptly if I think we can figure out a way to work together.
Are there any natural ways of fighting internal infections on bones? If you could tell me what I need to take, the infection causes a high fever.
If you would be so kind as to reply, thank you so much.
i want to procure a sample of 6-gingerol for my M.Pharm project work.
Please suggest me some good treatment fr knee pain like osteoporosis
The amino acid Glutamine is a popular supplement to help with joints. By taking glutamine supplements, you can minimize some of the muscle wasting which could occur during periods of stress. Regular light exercise can help make the muscles stronger to help them strengthen your joints. In addition there are a variety of knee braces which are quite popular for people who engage in competitive athletics. A couple of the more popular solutions are:
In terms of osteoporosis, some meta-analysis have found benefits in combining calcium with vitamin D supplements. There are also a variety of medications which are prescribed, though you would need to speak with your doctor about your condition for those.
Hello! Could you recommend other therapies and elaborate on other nutritional defiencies(ALCOR) found in Chronic Fatigue/ Fibromyalgia clients?
This information would greatly help guide my treatment plan. Kindest Regards, Kaja
Hi there,
Do you accept proposals from freelancers?
Hi Betty
Sure. Please feel free to email me at the email above.
Dear Webmaster
I found some of your pics amazing. Can you give me , please, the premission to use them in my courses of homeopathy and in my books, with thanksfull reference, for sure.
for example the one with cold sores?
I do like this this website and wanted to inquire as well about advertsing opportunities. We have a variety of natural remedies and alternative medicine which many visitors here may find uselful.
Hi -if you might have any interest in selling your website, naturalremedies.org, please send me an email so we can discuss it.
Hi Larry
I have put a lot of work into this site and do not think I would be interested in selling it. This site is more of a passion than something driven by money. There is far more money in pharmaceuticals than in natural alternative solutions which are not under patent.
do you have a news letter
Hi Barb
I might launch one in the next year or two. It is something I have been meaning to do!
i have too much moles on my face, how i can remove it? and also have dark circle, will these remove by the oil of vitamin E? and in which thing the oil of vitamin E can we gain?
You should find our sections on dark cicles and moles helpful
Respected sir, i am student of m pharm in rcp kasegaon. I want n- hentricontanol and rurin near about 2 gm for my thesis work so, plz give me cotation.
Do you have a newsletter? I may not be seeing where it is
Thank you, Jaqulyn
I don’t have one yet, but if our site keeps growing then perhaps we will launch one soon.
Where can I find dehydroascorbic acid that is human consumable?
Great health information and a much needed public service , but terribly frustrating to read the helpfull articles and then send feedback on the mobile-format site… Advertising “blocks” and green topic “boxes” jump around overlaying both the health-tips and the feedback e-mail sections… Please, correct the.problems on the mobile-format site… An increasingly “alternative health” conscious public needs your “Natural Remedies” for better health!!! Thanks for more and better information on reducing gout attacks!!!
Hi Mark
Thank you for this feedback. We have recently updated our site to use a responsive template, so you shouldn’t have any issues with those ads scrolling over anymore. The scrollable sidebar ad unit is set to not display on smaller mobile device screens.
I have access to Hawthorn berries. I would like to know how
many berries I can eat without having any side effects or toxicity.
I have recently developed an irregular heart beat and would like to correct this without prescription drugs.
Every person and every person’s health is unique. In some cases health issues might be related to stress from work or relationships, or other issues like being overweight, or it might be more of a genetic issue. But part of any type of approach to medication is an analysis of how something is working for you and adjusting to it. I think it would be hard for anyone to give you that sort of advice over the web. After all, heart issues are not like having a stubbed toe. It isn’t something you want to take lightly! People can only share what has worked for them, but if you want personalized advice on such an important issue I would recommend talking to your doctor and/or local naturopathy professionals.
Do you have records of proof that “devil’s claw root” can eliminate arthritis? If so, would you provide amount to take and how often and also the best sources to purchase this and any other pertinent information.
Hi Kim,
I am male,I live in india, you skin is awesome like photoshop ‘ed skin,without dark circle.
I have dark circle under my eyes for several years , as you have mention in your post, my skin blood vessel beneth eye has got broken and turned dark. I am daily taking vitamin c for more than 6 month and applying demelan which contain kojic acid , glycolic acid but no improvement. So please suggest me effective cream and intake for the best cure.. i am afraid of laser treament , but that is final stage… please reply soon . thank you for your wonderful help.
Thanks for the kind comment Raj. I too would not recommend rushing into surgery. As a good starting point I would recommend reading our guide on dark circles and if the advice there doesn’t help you then you could share what you tried, how well things worked for you, and perhaps get further feedback from there. A couple people commenting on our article stated they saw good results from vitamin K2 and olive oil.
Sometimes some of these issues have more complex underlying issues. An older friend of mine moved homes and grew progressively sicker as he grew older. At first it was hard to figure out what went wrong because some of the issues would come and go. But eventually they figured out he had a sinus infection related to bacteria growth under his home which he was allergic too. It took them literally years of trial and error to figure out the cause. The point being, perhaps surgery can make things appear a little bit better in the short run, but if there is an underlying issue then surgery won’t solve those underlying problems.
Our guide mentions a number of topics outside of vitamins and supplements. Things like stress, allergies, and excessive sunlight exposure can also play a role. Did you move homes, take on a new job, change work hours, or have other major stress factors added to your life shortly before the issue happened? Also consider if you had any other symptoms or issues around the same time.
My friend is an asthma sufferer. I was given pumpwood sap in Puerto Rico to help with my breathing.
Can you please help me find pumpwood sap for her? We live in the Washington, DC metro area.
Here is a link on pumpwood:
this site is amazing. all the best for you and your family . from Israel!
Could I get an SDS on Boswellia Serrata?
Hi Kim
My name is Diane and I live in Australia, your help will be very much appreciated. I have just purchased a bag of Pure Comfrey Root Powder and need the dosage of powder for a horse to add to his feed he has splint which is not active and hard which is a positive outcome he is still rideable and no loose bone fragements I had his leg xrayed the splint has caused a fracture not a big one as again he is able to have light work and rideable . I have been advised that the powder will work much quicker than a poltise on his leg plus I,m unable to make up a poltise to apply to his leg as my horse is on a friends property and they work everyday,he is also on pure Glucosamine and pure MSM, plus he has a cup of chammoille , small scoop of Brewers Yeast, Cophra, Seaweed meal,and when ground is very dry Dolomite , Sunflower seeds , with all these natural products the dosage of powder will be so important. I,m hoping you can help as I have google so many options to try and find powder dosage and luckily your website came up and that you may have had enquires like mine for a horse any help will be very much appreciated as I would like to start adding powder to his feed .
Hello Diane
Generally with a lot of these sorts of issues a good starting point on the dosage comes down to weight. Larger animals which weigh proportionally more than a human would likely need proportionally more glucosamine or MSM. So if a horse weighs 5 to 7 times what a human does, then you could use something like that as a starting point. But I should caution I am not an expert at horse related health issues. You may want to contact a local equine veterinarian, or at least use those sorts of terms to modify your searches & search around for related communities & see if you can find someone at a niche site on that topic who can help you. Best of luck with your horse!
Do you sell oleocanthal to Greece ?
While our site carries some third party ads to help cover the costs of running it, we don’t sell any products directly right now.
Keep Up the Good Work ! Love Your Articles !!
Glad you like the site and found it helpful
I can’t read the articles cos an ad I can’t close pops up over the text so this website is useless, thanks
Hi Theo
Could you please let me know what type of device you were using to view the website?
We have updated the site’s theme and the design seems to work well for me on both desktop and Apple iPhone and Google Android mobile devices.
Hi Kim
I am a Saudi male nursing student …
I want to use some informations from your web site for my home work would you allow me please
I am ok with you referencing your content so long as your teacher is.
Hai Kim
I have been suffering from strange diseases without any diagnosis by medical professionals. They say allergies, allergies…………and I am tired of it because I have been losing weight unintentional since 2007 todate. I am a femald 48 yrs now but only weigh 46kgs! All my organs are fine.
My main problem is phlegm which started in the nose and throat early 1997. Now I feel it in the chest and stomach and cough throughout the night. I also douch my nose because I had a turbinectomy, which worsened my condition by drying up the mucus in the throat causing me bad breath.
Whatever food I eat turns into thick white mucus! I stopped eating meat, diary, all fats, fish and eggs because of mucus/phlegm.
Could I be suffering from lack of vitamin b12??? I feel dizzy, weak, muscles pain and numbness in hands and legs, so forgetful. Please help me Kim lest I lose my job. I tried using vit b12 supplements but it caused me more phlegm!!!!!!!! Confused situation.
God bless you as I await your response
I hope you get better soon Vasta, but I don’t know anyone who has faced what you are facing right now. My suggestion would be to visit other doctors and try to share as much information as you can with them.
I know that the source of your problem is a bit different from mine, but you have many of the same resulting symptoms. I have had an inoperable cyst in my brain since I was a baby that altered my life by affecting the way I think and confusing brain processes. To everyone else, I seem normal, but it reduces my ability to follow procedures.
Several years ago, I started having to sleep in an elevated recliner in order to allow my sinuses to drain. The problem was so bad that I got violent headaches. A year or so ago, it seemed that the problem was on the wane because the phlegm developed the characteristics of that of a departing bad cold, as in thick and rather putrid. The problem is that the phlegm became acidic and affected my upper stomach valve. The acidic part went away but left me with acidic air belching from my stomach that was horrific.
My daughter is a recovering cancer survivor and had a skin lesion appear on her face a few weeks ago after having had chemo and radiation treatments many years ago for thymus and lung cancer. She was told that appearance likely would happen due to weakened resistance. She made an appointment with her doctor, but in the meantime, made a poultice of poke berries to apply to the new lesion. The cancer disappeared within a week. We had become familiar with poke berries after my father-in-law developed face and head cancer lesions from many years at a creosote processing plant for electric poles. His face and head began to be covered with cancers that had to be cut off, only to have more appear and in greater numbers. A friend told him about poke berries, and he began to apply the fresh berry juice to the lesions He stopped the medical lesion removal and resorted strictly to poke berry poultices. EVERY LESION WAS GONE in a short time, and he was cancer-free before his death at an old age, although he had lost both of his ears due to the previous cancer.
I decided that this was a Divine directive to get me to apply a poke berry routine also. About a week ago, I began swallowing 4 dried poke berries a day with yogurt. I took care not to crush the seeds. I have experienced no side effects and 8 days later have NO secretion, no acid belching, drastically reduced arthritic pain, and also have had a painful cyst on my sternum virtually disappear. It also was contributing to my acidic belching by poisoning through my esophagus.
Even as I am typing this post, I find myself repeating myself and must carefully proofread. It is am embarrassing side effect of the cyst invasion.
I am not an idiot, am a Christian, and was forced to seek this method due to inoperability of the brain tumor, an operation that I could not have afforded anyway. I intend to continue to take three berries a day in order to combat arthritis, which at my age, 72, is a real annoyance. It also allows me to greatly curtail Ibuprofen intake, something that I have always tried to keep at a bare minimum of only a couple of times a month.
Incidentally, the fresh berries could create a bad case if diarrhea, a problem that my daughter experienced. I cannot advise you to follow this regimen because I am aware of the toxicity of the plant and know that it could cause deleterious effects. Dried poke berries have also been used with great effect in treating many gastric problems. Check around first for confirmation because I do not want to give you any bad advise.
Also, please ignore any repetitious comments I may have missed. Just now, I had to remove a comment that was almost identical to one I had just made.
great web site mrs kim
Dear Kim, I have had a yeast in infection under my breasts since I was 20. I went to the Dermatologist and he gave me a salve called Mycolog. It was thick and amber in color. I used it behind my ears too because I had a rash there as well. The next day it was almost gone. Now I cant find it anywhere. My problem today is, I still have yeast infection’s under my breast, they come and go and now I’m getting boils too. I don’t know what to do. I would very much love to hear of a cure. Thank You! Pauline
We members in Siruma Agriculture Cooperative wants to ask you maam kim to give updates specially information on alternatives treatments now adays..
and enclosed our email add
Hi Kim,
You say not to take Eyebright following eye surgery. What happens if you do? I have been taking it ever since I had surgery to reattach my retina 3 months ago. At that time the surgeon said that one of the side effects of this type of surgery is that you will get cataracts and will need to have a new lens put in your eye. Now he has me booked in for this procedure. Will having taken Eyebright have any effect on my eye that could jeopardise this surgery? For instance I am wondering if it could have affected the pressure in my eye?
Thanks for a prompt reply because I would really like to know before I have this further surgery. Thanks
This is University of New Mexico, and we are hereby request quote
for the below item
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid – 1000 kg
Provide us the pricing for the listed item.
Note: Payment Terms Purchase Order with Net30.
Please confirm receipt of my inquiry by email.
Many Thanks
Bruce Cherrin
Chief Procurement Officer
University Of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA.
Tel : (505) 337-0469 Fax : (505) 212-1173
Where do I find L-dehydroascorbic acid that I can purchase?
Correction: Cooked pokeweed is called poke sallet, not poke salad, which you give. Sallet is an old word that means cooked vegetable. It sounds enough like the word salad that people confuse the 2, sometimes leading to people eating pokeweed raw and getting very sick.
News letter request
Where do I buy Oleocanthal uin pure from for cancer liquid pills I have EVOO Thanks for any help
How can I directly contact natural remedies.org?
You just did.